
A wrestler character, I made this character as a learning exercise.
To help me learn texture paint, rendering, armatures, compositing etc…
just for fun I made up the ficticious Blender wrestling federation
and a turntable animation.

make sure to watch in HD

Thanks to the blender community for the help.
Christian aka Paratron http://www.blender-materials.org/
I used the material test scene for the BWF logo

Andrew Price’s christmas tutorial helped me make the bg for the video

And I used the human reference textures from the Blending life 2 competition.


awesome job!

Really awesome… 5*

Very nice job, although I would have preferred the character doing a bit more in the video than just facial expressions :slight_smile:

The muscles and skin look great!

Thanks for the nice comments. I would love to take the time to animate him fully , perhaps if the fates are kind to me. It was just intended as a simple rotation to show the model, but I couldn’t resist adding a little bit of expression.

Great character! Top notch work! Thx for sharing.

The expressions were really great… I also really liked the skin texture you have here.