How would one go about exporting game meshes to .blend files?
is there a way to store a converted game mesh as a file and retrieve it without converting it again?
BP_Player states that this will be possible soon using their addon - but I would appreciate it if someone could help me find a pythonic solution to solve this.
LibLoad / libFree have a history of instability but I am will to give that try - but step 1 is writing the meshes
I am building a tree structure to dynamically load in / save out GFX and physics meshes and properties as needed,
I already have that structure
Generate terrain tiles - GFX Physics / Normal etc
(put all static mesh origins in a KDTree) - check
(Push all meshes outside a radius into a .blend) - (not check - right now I just turn off physics and set to invisible) ---- (scene.objects still gets very very bloated)
Close = kd.find_range(Actor.worldPosition, LoadInRadius)
Far = kd.find_range(Actor.worldPosition, LoadOutRadius)
objects in Far but not in close = need to be unloaded if they are not already
object in close if not loaded in need to be*
right now, I use this system to set visibility / physics but in a massive world generated using this technique scene.objects will get very bloated and the scenegraph usage will be quite high.