'wrl2export' pythonscript . UV Textures

Dear all,

to export a blender file to VRML 2.0 I tried the script ‘wrl2export.py’ by Rick Kimball.

But when I export my blender file I get the following message:

Info: starting VRML2 export to C:\Programme\ARToolKit\bin\Wrl
Info: exporting mesh named=[Cube]
Debug: faceName=080411_noguchi_01.jpg_one image=080411_noguchi_01.jpg, solid=one
Debug: [Cube] has 1 UV Textures
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “wrl2export.py.001”, line 1049, in file_callback
File “wrl2export.py.001”, line 283, in export
File “wrl2export.py.001”, line 470, in writeIndexedFaceSet
File “wrl2export.py.001”, line 607, in writeVertexColors
File “wrl2export.py.001”, line 910, in getVertexColorByIndx
IndexError: list index out of range

Has anybody an idea, how we could fix that? Or is there another VRML 2.0 exporter?

For a short message I will be thankful.