Hi! I started another project and wanted to share the progress.
I had this idea for a long time and now I can finally manage to actually start. I’m planning to model a cavalry from ww1 era. Not a lot of people think about cavalries when they hear about ww1, but I think it’s a pretty interesting part of the history.
I’m mostly blocking out and trying some ideas right now, since the whole design is so alien to me it’s taking me a lot of thinking and trial and error. The saddle alone took me hours to just figure out how does it work and it’s still far from being complete. I realized that I’m always modelling the same type of stuff lately, so I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and do something different, so this more like an experimental project and I have no idea how long it will take.
The first challenge was to figure out horse anatomy, I made a lot of human bodies and I can say I’m somewhat familiar with human anatomy but I never sculpted an animal before. After looking at references for hours I managed to do something that looks like a horse atleast. I’m sure there are bunch of inaccuracies in the anatomy, I hope to rework it later on.
Another challenge was finding reference photos for the equipment in that era. I think I spent more time looking for references than actually modelling, and still have a lot to look for since I’m only starting. I didn’t have an idea for what nation to base on the design, but I found more references for german soldiers so I guess I’m going with that, but I’m not going to stress myself with historical accuracy too much, I just put whatever I think looks good.
I was going to make the whole project in zbrush because I wanted to learn zbrush workflow better but then I switched back to blender because it feels way more comfortable and I had a lot of hardsurface modelling to do than I initially planned. So I started sculpting the horse on zbrush, and I will be using it a lot later on when I’m adding the details, but I will use blender for the majority of the work.
I will try to post here regularly, but I don’t know if I can do that, but I hope you enjoy the process with me. And of course, I highly appreciate any critique, feedback or advice.
My main references are these,