WWII Tank: StuG IV

Been working on this for a couple of days now, probably the closest I’ve been to finishing a model so far, so I figured making a thread might serve to keep my spirits up :slight_smile: Comments are of course welcome! (As you can probably tell, I’ll have to simplify the tracks or they’ll eat my poly budget right up.)


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Looking good so far.

I’d check out the end of the barrel though, i’m not sure if it’s just the smoothing. If it is apply the edgesplit modifier to your model, that way you can adjust the smoothing on the model by increasing/ decreasing the edge angle.

looks good so far. I modeled a stug III about two years ago but never finished. Keep up the good work.

Thanks guys! I tweaked the smoothing on the muzzle break a bit and added some details, simplified the roadwheels et cetera.
