X mirror not working

Why cant I use the X mirror on a basic circle mesh? I activate it but it does not work.

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Hi NivarI precedi as follows.I created the circle. I went into Edit Mode, I visited the circle, leaving the pivot point out of it, open the Mirror modifier and kept the default options. I went back to the Object Mode and there I saw the mirror copy of the circle. I came in, did the modifications in the circle and returned to the OM and the changes were mirrored there.Now, I don’t know why in EM not showing the silhouette of the mirrored circle. But, be that as it may, the Mirror works, oddly enough, is true, but is doing what they should. I’m using Blender to 2.68.

I precedi as follows.I created the circle. I went into Edit Mode, I visited the circle, leaving the pivot point out of it, open the Mirror modifier and kept the default options. I went back to the Object Mode and there I saw the mirror copy of the circle. I came in, did the modifications in the circle and returned to the OM and the changes were mirrored there.Now, I don’t know why in EM not showing the silhouette of the mirrored circle. But, be that as it may, the Mirror works, oddly enough, is true, but is doing what they should. I’m using Blender to 2.68.

Mirror works by mirroring on the objects origin, not the axis(es). 9 times out of ten you want the origin at the center or at least on one of the axises. You are probably moving the circle in object mode – which moves the origin with it – add thus the circle is being mirrored directly on top of itself. Tab into edit mode, A to select all, and move your circle to the right, now you should see it being mirrored about it’s origin.

Here is a very common mirror method. In object mode.

  1. Shift-s “cursor to center” (Move the 3-d cursor to the center 0,0,0 of the world)
  2. Shift-A ‘Mesh’ circle (Add a circle with the origin at the center)
  3. Tab into edit mode
  4. Delete the verts on the left (b to box select, drag a box around left side verts, But leave the center ones)
  5. Add a mirror modifer , check ‘clipping’
  6. Move the verts on the right side and they will be mirrored on the left. (right click a vert, G to grab and move it)

For the X-mirror option ensure when you add a circle you select the Fill Type option other than Nothing. Or once you add the circle select all the vertices and press F to make a face.

You know that you don’t have to go back and forth from edit mod to object mode to see the modifier if you enable the two buttons at the top of the modifier dialog (next to the camera and the eye) that show and even let you work with the mirrored vertices in edit mode?

That’s it.
“For the X-mirror option ensure when you add a circle you select the Fill Type option other than Nothing. Or once you add the circle select all the vertices and press F to make a face.”

Richard Marklew below.

I believe Nivar meant enabling X mirror from the tool shelf and not using the Mirror modifier. From what your topic just taught me is that for a circle mesh you need to extrude it in some manner to create a mesh with faces or enable a ngon or fan fill. X mirror from the edit tool menu doesn’t take World axis into mind but more so local axis. So if you use this option and your not at the world center or are rotated in any manner you might want to turn on local axis view.

Yes the post above was spot on telling you to create some faces.

PS - Keep in mind that extruding with X mirror can produce unwanted results.

Thanks everyone, that really helped. Making a face in the circle does what I needed. Thanks again!