X-Muscle System for Blender 4.X

Updates for Blender 3.0 are coming and will be released with Blender 3.0 official build.

Best Regards!


From now you can also follow k44dev Studio on instagram!


Best Regards!

Hello, is it possible to export the muscles to Unreal Engine? Or is it better to simulate + bake in Blender and only export the whole mesh to Unreal?

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You can bake simulation to mdd format and export it

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X-Muscle System for Blender 3.0 is out! Please update your add-on for Blender 3.0. Updates available on Gumroad and BlenderMarket

Best Regards!

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Hello, karab44

I’m thinking of buying an add-on you created, but before that I have a few questions.

question 1
Is a runbook available after purchase?

Question 2
Is it possible to reproduce not only the muscles but also the soft and swaying fats such as the chest, abdomen, and buttocks by changing the settings?

(I have translated Japanese into English, so please forgive us if you don’t understand the meaning.)


Hello and thank you for your questions!

  1. There’s User’s Manual pdf document available after the purchase. It describes in details all the parameters used by the muscle system - motion, contraction and relaxation, physically based jiggling, tissue and some technical aspects of the system.
  2. there are softbody properties available that can emulate fat if finetuned. You can also precise skin area which the effect will affect.

Best Regards!

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Today Hotfix has been released that fixes compatibility issues with Blender 2.9x

From now on you can use X-Muscle System with Blender 2.9x and 3.x

Best Regards!

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X-Muscle System 2.4.2 brings some major features. From now on you can keyframe all muscle parameters for animation. Only on @blendermarket
#b3d animation anatomy physics simulation #Blender3d



Amazing addon, looking forward to trying this!

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Hello everyone,

Won’t find a better time for getting the add-on.

Only on BlenderMarket and gumroad



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just bought it today :nerd_face:

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Hi! Hi! I started studying the X-Muscle system add-on and have already bought it in the Blender market, but so far I can’t equip the skeleton with muscles. Do you have a model with muscles to study and practice?


Hello everyone!

X-Muscle System 2.4.7 update to come!

this is important bugfix update. Delivery contains:

-fix muscle pinning not listed
-fix muscles not xmirrored correctly

Please update your add-on now.

Best Regards!

hello, is it possible to download a skeleton model with muscles somewhere to try it out on the unity engine?

Hi karab44, thanks for the update notification, I have a question though, in the E-Mail and product description in blendermarket it says X-Muscle System 3.0 but the only version I can find is called xmusclesystem29, and there is another one called old_27, is the 29 one the correct one?

Yeah, that’s fine. X-Muscle System add-on is compatible with Blender 2.8 and newer but basically for Blender 2.8 and above xmusclesystem_29.zip is the right one that will work.

Best Regards!

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I have purchased and tried your product.

I have a question in that, but when I create a mesh conversion, the controller is created in an irrelevant position.

In that case, the controller and muscles are linked and cannot be placed in the correct position.

Is it possible to improve so that muscle creation and attachment to bones by the auto aim function can be performed at the same time even when converting and creating muscles from an existing mesh?


Hello and thank you for your question!
Currently mesh to muscle conversion is pretty much simple and has some limitations. Generally it will create a muscle from the mesh in center of the scene and there is no thing like auto-aim available for this process, so you’ll have to attach muscle manually to the armature afterwards. Implementation of such functionality looks like a bigger feature and requires some planning. Such thing would definitely be handy.

Best Regards!


Hello Albert, thanks for making this great plugin. I have some question if you don’t mind, based on my experience with it.
I’m using it to reconstruct a Megatherium anatomy (extincted giant sloth), so I started laying all the muscles. They do behave awesome, with the jiggling and everything. I have found however some issues that perhaps you can help me with.

  1. first of all, muscles do not collide with the underlying skeleton: I tried adding a collision modifier but there is no effect, the muscles still protrude into the mesh. Any chance to make a small tutorial or some information about it (in the documentation it says that collision is possible)?

  2. Mirrored muscles dynamics is broken. After mirroring the left side, the muscles on the right side do not jiggle properly, even after doing a smart update. So they are quite stiff and even lowering all the Stiffness and Springiness, they are very firm and rigid. Probably a bug?

  3. I can’t find a way to model muscles/tendons like the ExtensorDigitorumLongus, for example. It’s a muscle that in a quadruped starts from the elbow and ends up to the tip of a digit (see attached image). I can have the muscle shape properly attached, but even when using pins, the geometry goes crazy and pins actually don’t even work with dynamics.

Sorry for all the questions, just wondering how I can use this beautiful solution for my projects, and the current limitations. If you want I have no troubles sending you my .blend file to inspect things.

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