X-Muscle System for Blender 4.X

Hello and thank you for using X-Muscle System!
In case objects are high poly the best way to use internal collision system this way is by adding a low poly proxy mesh as the collider for the bone you want the muscle collide it so it doesn’t eat all resources on calculating heavy simulations. This should work perfectly fine. The other way is to pin the muscles to the particular bone which will prevent it going through the bone.

X-Mirroring should work with muscles and all its attributes, including physics. In previous Blender versions the effect was straightaway however since the deps-graph changes things are not being updated properly. If mirrored muscles have proper properties in the menu, then try to select all the musculature (with a button) and use the smart update which will wipe out old physics cache for the object and replace with new ones. Make sure “animate properties” option is checked.

What I would do in this case is I would probably still parent the muscle to the proper armature’s bone (FDP), however I would visually offset it in a place (AbD1L) so it could be simplified on one side but react properly o the other. I am not sure if making tendons themselve in such complex form is easy thing to do with current solution.

Best Regards!

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Albert, thanks for the prompt reply. So to make collisions work, I just have to add a collider modifier to the skeleton (a decimate proxy one, yes), and then it’s all setup? No other modifiers to add to muscle or anything?

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Basically yes, simply add the object you want the muscle to collide with to XMSL_Musculature Collection, and in muscle softbody settings select XMSL_Musculature as Collision Collection.

You don’t have to add collision modifier to the muscle. Collision modifier added only to the bone should work perfectly fine as long as it is in the selected in muscle softbody settings collection.

you may still play around with collision settings, absorption

and additionally if you want to muscles collide between themselves ‘muscle self collision’ works between group of muscles but should be used selectively and extra carefuly because it’s super heavy in calculations.

Best Regards!

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simple proxy collision mesh should be ok for performance to effect ratio. Proxy mesh parented to the original bone mesh can be simply hidden after the setup.

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Thanks a lot for all the information Albert, collision works good now!

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From now on Blender 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9 will no longer be supported. That means X-Muscle System will be tested only for Blender 3.X versions and up. All newly released add-on versions may still fully or partially work though however no warranty or support will be provided on older Blender versions.

Best Regards!

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Thank you Albert for this info.

By the way, is there some sort of auto muscle creation available for auto rig pro?

(bought your x-muscle full version some years ago and lost track a bit due to irl issues, so more noob questions incoming haha)

The add-on is designed to be the ultimate creator. Auto-aim works pretty well. Then you X-Mirror muscles and it’s basically it.

More to come.


Cool, thanks!


Fantastic tutorial for beginners found on YouTube



Awesome work by Nathan LaVictoire :muscle:t2:

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Hello, I’m considering buying X-Muscles. Is it possible to use it to teach ML deformer in Unreal Engine? Could not find any guide about it in the web.

I guess this would require preparing some pipeline but I guess with using RBF and shape keys and a little bit of effort this could be possible.
There’s a UE5 tool prepared for Maya to snapshot the poses for further training. Using it could be a big shortcut for this workflow. However it would require to adapt it to be used with Blender first.

by the way, the update for Blender 4.0 is on the way. The add-on will get the support and the maintenance for the product life-time.

Best Regards!

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X-Muscle System compatibility update for Blender 4.0 has been released! Get it right here #b3d #blendermarket https://blendermarket.com/products/x-muscle-system

X-Muscle System 3.9.4 has been released with updates including backwards compatibility



Raul’s Vicente wip pterox #b3d X-Muscle System animation


Demo reel by Nathan Lavictoire, achieved with X-Muscle System

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Nice and easy jiggle physics with X-Muscle Sys

Best Regards!

-Muscle System 3.9.7 BETA for XL variant users available soon! New workflow, bugs squashed, and more! Stay tuned!