
Yeah, likely the 100th XWing out there, but I had to try it. I am pretty new to Blender so I am looking for any tips. I just cant seem to get UV mapping working real great, maybe someone wants to tackle it to show me the way?


I would probably unwrap this mostly using ‘project from view’ loading option. go into top view, select the top facing faces, U >> project from view. repeat on bottom and both sides. sides can often be done together, if they share the same appearance. then unwrap the remaining faces normally using seams.

Looks great, can’t wait to see it textured.

Looks very cool so far, I’ve been on a Star Wars kick myself lately.

I will have to give this a try…summer is here though and I am hardly in front of my computer these days.

Anyone want to apply textures?


Xwing1.blend (891 KB)

Looks great! Love fairly detailed, will look great with a good shader and textures.