Xbox Controller CGI 2.0


Spectacular. How was the plastic texture achieved?


Thanks, it’s just a simple noise texture with a bump and the same noise texture connected to the roughness


Came out great, the renders are fantastic! So cool!

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Thank you :blush:

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How did you achieve the detail of the thumsticks?

It’s already done in geometry. Doing it with some displacement map would consume more hardware resources and would involve an unwrapp.
And if you ask me, doing so is as simple as inserting the primitive Torus with a considerable number of segments and then making a poke face to finish with a bevel.


Thanks for explaining!

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I loved the lighting and shaders! :clap:t3:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Feels expensive! I want to grab it! :slight_smile:
Great job! It’s indistinguishable from the real one.

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It looks really awesome, that would be nice if you can tell more about the lighting. Bests,

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Of course, for that result I used completely black global lighting and black material planes for the backgrounds where there was going to be a bit of light bounce, I just had to adjust the lighting for each shot, so that there was contrast in each element of the product compared to the background

For example, for this shot I used only 3 light sources, two towards the product to create that contrast with the background and one for the background so that it didn’t look totally dark.

BG light

1 product ligth

2 product ligth


Thanks for complete description, it was perfect

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This looks so awesome, I just want to hold it in my hands and slide around the thumbsticks and mash the face buttons like how I play 'Splosion Man.

Have you considered 3D Printing it so it could be a tangible object?

Thanks for your comment, it feels real right? even I was amazed by the results hahaha

Answering your question, as an industrial designer I never thought about that, I mean it doesn’t make much sense to 3D print that object when a fully functional one already exists. In fact, that 3D model is a simple shell that has no use (and most of the texturing, like what you see on the triggers and the body are generated with shaders, so they won’t be reflected in the 3D print), unlike the cad files that Microsoft owns to develop the real product.

The purpose of this project is only to visualize the product through CGI, so it has no use in the physical world.

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the detail goes crazy frfr

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Man, I was reviewing your lighting setup again and something was very interesting for me. You were not using transparent planes (diffuse planes) in front of your lights but the lights and shadows look very soft in your renders. I guess it was harder for me to reach such soft shadows and highlights without transparent planes on lights.

One of the main reasons I get dissapointed of product lighting and rendering in blender is that I come from other engines like Octane and Corona, so since I don’t get the depth and power of the lights/shadoes of those engines in blender at first then I give up fast, especially if the product is something like perfume containing glass/bottle and liquid I won’t render it in blender anymore as I am not really satisfied of the result in blender yet. But after watching your works and other product artists here I really like to make more product lighting in blender.


Xbox could hire you lol, looks like it could be in a commercial. Is it possible to make a white one? (OneS yk)

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