XM8 Assault Rifle

hello community :smiley: ive followed the community for some time, but silently :stuck_out_tongue: i thought it time to post one of my pieces. Please Critique and comment all help i appreciate.


Nice model of a cool riffle. The textures could use some work. Mainly the metal on the clip, the ring pattern on the metal looks odd. However, the camo looks great. I also question the use of glowing LEDs on a combat riffle. Hopefully those can be turned off for night fighting LOL.

You may be new to BA, but you’re not new to blender. I agree with DichotomyMatt, the clip texture is a bit weird. Also this doesn’t look lowpoly, so I suggest beveling the edges just a little to add realism and nice specular highlights. Also the sight/scope doesn’t appear to have a texture and stands out a bit in a bad way, you may want to alter this. Also an urban (black, grey, white) camo texture would look cool.

can you make a pink one with yellow stars?^^
little joke the modeling looks nice but it dont really looks like its iron looks more then paper or plsatic or somthn
you should work on it

No offence but I can’t fully agree with you. This rifle is mostly made of polymer. With some metal parts.

yeh im not very good at textures :confused: i will do a urban camo by request and maybe fix the clip texture. theres no texture on the scope as i ran out of time in the exam :stuck_out_tongue: theres a desert camo one knocking around somewhere

Cool! I want one for my game! A futuristic one.

Not to worry man. My material sux. Yours compared to mine is briliant.

not bad. I have to say, it looks pretty similar to the G36C assault rifle, only a little more curvy. However, according to another post I read from someone who’s been here longer, it’s better to post this in WIP board, because a only-a-model render gets you a bad name over time. I’m just repeating what he said. I think you did a nice job on that gun. It might need a little more detail as far as actual features, but the texturing is nice. Good work.

i don´t know alot about this gun especially or the material i´ts just it has so hard edges like most of toys or something if i´m wrong ok then it was may mistake

I’m not expert and my models are not brilinat but magazine and flash hidder need a bit more work. Also scope could have a bit more detail. I realy like your your model mainly because I don’t know how to correctly apply textures in blender:)

i like the camo one. camo…tech