Xmas Eve ( Game Project )

well I’m not going to be able to help much cuz I’m now making a full film :slight_smile:

You have to make a tree for now dude :slight_smile:

Only time will tell what you will make afterwards :slight_smile:

i don’t want to make a tree :frowning:

look dude, if you think your too good to make a tree, then it shouldn’t be a problem :stuck_out_tongue:

I ain’t making a tree!

then could you make a reasonably low poly present with ribbon?

I’m out of this team!

This is what you get for working with a 7 year old.

@mikesgames: Good luck on the game man, I hope you finish it :slight_smile: I would help on the programming side, but you already got that covered. Plus, I’m still learning java, so I won’t be of much use.

i ain’t a 7 year old and I’m leaving the team cuz I’m making a film.

ha ha ha, ok then… Good luck on that.

Epic fail… :stuck_out_tongue:

@mikesgames I can help out with this, Here is where I stand with everything:
Modeling: I can but I don’t like to. (I only know the basics of modeling- IDK how to model a tree)
Texturing: I am good at it and like to do this the most.
Rigging: I can and I am ok at it, I wouldn’t say great, but I can get a basic job done.
Animation: I’m good at it but it takes me a little longer.
Composition: (Using the node system) I know my way around and am half way good at it
Programming: I don’t know that much about, I know a good amount of HTML but that won’t help.

I am also willing to learn more, to get a job done. So yea over all I can just about help anywhere, just let me know what you would like me to work on. I would perfer getting biger projects to work on that would take a day or two but anything works.

hey dude, welcome to the team!

Could you model us a snowman? it shouldn’t be too high poly, because that would eat away at the game’s FPS rate, but… around ~1500 poly max


@loughlin Arts

No prob dude :stuck_out_tongue:
Just dont make such a fuss over something as simple as a tree.

Hey men,

I almost finished texturing santa claus. However, there is one cape like thing ( I have called the object ‘jacket top’ ) and I really dont know what color I need to give it. Another option is ofcourse to delete it totally; I’m actially not really sure whether it is very santa claus like or not.
So what do I have to do? Make it red, white or delete it?
Everyone can answer this, its a question to you all. :slight_smile:

@Mike: Sure no prooblem. Would you like it to be a traditional snowman?(See attachments) If so is its mouth going to open at any time?
Do you want it to have stick arms and hands? If so do you want the pipe in its mouth?
Do you want me to texture it also?
Scarf or no scarf?
What hat do you like best?

@RidderCoenraad: I will look at that now and let you know what I think.


I personally love the hat from the second snowman :slight_smile:

And a pipe would be a funny addition.

I would leave it how it is, it gives it that extra umf. Like without i, if it would just be the red cloth that would look funny to me.

Ok cool that is what I was thinking, I will work on this today. I take it you want me to texture it also then.

That would be nice :slight_smile:

We need the files to be done as soon as possible, because xmas is 72 days away, and the xmas season is only 47 days from now :slight_smile:

I can program one of the minigames easily overnight, but we would need santa to have a running animation :slight_smile:

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

hey all!

I am currently working on the website for the game :slight_smile:

I have programmed the 3rd person setup for santa

We now only need the modelling and music ( which I have started) to be complete, and we are done :slight_smile: