Xps/xnalara. How to export 3d model with xps shaders to .glb/gltf?

Hello. When I export model with xps shaders in gltf there are no colors and textures, there are only materials, but if I edit material from xps shader to image texture and choose the same .tga file it works correctly, but there are no colors in gltf with xps shader. But I want to have it because there are really good flares and reflections in model with xps shader. (body mesh and bodyenv mesh with flares and reflections). What can I do? Thx.

Most of the materials and nodes available in Blender will work only in Blender, and cannot be exported. To have materials that export correctly to something compatible with other tools, you’ll either need to design the material for that purpose, or to bake the material to textures. When exporting to glTF/GLB you’ll want to use the Principled BSDF material, similar to the configurations recommended here:


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