
A YafaRay render, by Stoneage.


is a raytracing open source render engine for the Blender Comunity.
Downloads for various platform are available on the YafaRay Site:

In this thread I’ll will keep you posted about the YafaRay Project news. Regards.

Hi Alvaro

Dunno if lynx or bert informed you, the new “swigged”-code compiles and is running
fine on OSX. We already implemented some small tweaks to adapt it.
( using framework and putting out a .so instead a .dylib )

This was done with rev. 224, so rendering wasn´t possible in this state ,but in preview,
textures were shown for diffuse-channel already.

I will do an actual build for testing this weekend then… ( 06./07.sept ).

Edit: Yafaray rev 236 compiles o.k. and renders. Still had to rename dylib to .so ( not changed in source )
Changed output path to an Tempdir of my coice, the Private/Temp is invisible on OSX by default, so not
good to handle. First testrenders are all o.k.


Hey are we going to see yafaray exporter integrated in the blender ui or is it still too early??


nice to see tha yafaray can workw ith official Blender builds now
and only needs an export script!

hum, unless there exist some way that can be done using only external code, without hacking Blender sourcecode, for instance by some render/Blender UI API, an integration like YafRay 009 is not possible and it does not make sense anymore.

Besides the guys running the YafRay project now (me included) think than in the long term the less we depend on Blender politics and decisions the better, though maintaining a good relatioship with everybody. We want to run YafRay like a truly independent project but intended for the Blender comunity and for other open source modellers like Wings3D (I hope).

Since there seems to be no resources enough to finish the render API for Blender, then the most logic workaround is using Python to get scene data and to collect enough information (through a python coded API) for yaf(a)ray to render.

We want to ditch the Blender special compilations way because there are constant changes in the Blender code (thus we depend on Blender guys decisions) and because special compilation scare away users.

I very agree.

With the script you can me it run.


sounds interesting but is it useable for the non-technical Blender users? Do i still have to compile it for myself or can i download/use precompiled files? Is the whole thing also useable under Windows?


Uhm, that’s the whole reason for this topic, you don’t have to build your own Blender anymore :rolleyes:


I confused…

I thought YafRay was already in Blender.

I see on the page it says there is no support for viewing progress or stopping the render. I thought this was done by simply turning off xml export.

I have a feeling I’m missing something here.:spin:

This thread is about Yaf(a)ray - not Yafray

This is great news! Thanks to the coders involved for your work :slight_smile:

wait they said you still need to compile your own Yaf(a)ray to be used with the official Blender builds!!!

Can someone please post some compiled binaries of the Yaf(a)ray plugin for Windows, Linux and Mac?

Thank you!

I see:cool:

But I still confuse:spin:

How does yaf(a)ray compare to yafray in terms of quality and speed?

Why not give it a different name to avoid such confusion?

Is Yafray still continued, or is yafaray replacing it?

I’m scavenging the site and getting answers little by little :spin:.

Yaf(a)ray is replacing yafray.

it is much better.

it has as Lux propper material types.

meaning instead of setting specular highlights you define how
glossy a surface is and that affects the mirror and what for us
looks like specular reflections for you.


Yafray has some problems I find. It has its own materials setup which can be quite confusing. Also there seems to be a bug with the alpha of UV Textures, but I’m sure that will get sorted out pretty quickly.

I’ve not done any speed tests, but it SEEMS lightning fast. Stuff I hit the old Yafray with and waited ages seems to fly through in minutes for the new one.

I’ve got no idea why the team did it this way. What it SEEMS like (and please do correct me if I’m wrong) from reading various posts on the yafray forum is that development was taken up by some different people, who weren’t really sure if they were going to pursue it fully. They decided to keep it a seperate entity from the get-go, unlike the old Yafray.
News has been sporadic and patchy till recently.

Actually this is great news. Yafray has been the first external render engine I’ve used and the results where fine at that time. But at the moment there are other engines which seem to be more interesting and also more capable (biased and unbiased ones).

For me the rather poor integration of Yafaray into Blender was the main reason why I didn’t really try it yet. Now that this has changed, I will look into it again and experiment a bit. Please continue the good work!

Thats what put me off initially. Getting your renders to look as they do in Blender, but better, seems to be a bit of a crap-shoot.
But it is very fast and you can get rediculously good looking images. Not quite up to the level of Indigo and Lux Render, but much much faster. That is what has kept me on board so far.

What about image support?

With the current Yafray, I could only render using .JPG. I had to convert all my .PNG. Will/does this support .PNG?

Most of your questions are answered in the YafRay forums, in the form of sticky posts. YafRay 009 source code is in a state of exhaustion, it is very difficult to add new features. Jandro was the first person to talk about rewritting YafRay from scratch, adding bidirectional pathtracing features and such and Lynx3D is the person who has made it possible.

Yaf(a)ray development seems to be picking up speed again. Once the new exporter is mature, texturing is improved and bugs fixed, more shader types are added and bidirectional pathtracing is finished, it will be a nice raytracer and definitely more powerful than YafRay 009.

Also to improve the yaf(a)ray experience, there are other things that could improve like the YafRay site, which refers mostly to YafRay 0.0.X stuff, or the existing documentation about Yaf(a)ray.

A lot of work to do yet.