i wanted to see what yafaray could do for interiors, so i started making an interior…
i will post all close-ups here:
yafaray and blender 2.66a got me this…
which is a pretty good render, and it took only 1 hour! i had low quiality settings, though: direct lighting, 512x300 pix, 16 antialiasing gauss passes… i only have a 1024x600 pix screen anyway
this is the same scene with BI and 2.66a:
which is a terrible render: a) everything looks like plastic b) everything is dim c) i had to use point lamps instead of meshlamps, which give me no or nasty shadows… d) it took 30 seconds… e) the cans cast no shadows.
this is the scene with cycles and 2.66a and 256 samples:
sorry, its not quite done rendering, but you can see its almost as good as the yafa render and it takes 'bout the same time… i could also have emitter materials, so i got much better light/shadow than with BI
interesting, how the times compare and all…
i will post the full 256 sample cycles render and faraway views in a mo!
BI has arealights, you will need to use those if you want any chance of a decent interior render with BI (even though it will still lack the subtle lighting effects and colorbleeding seen with GI engines.)
The reason “everything looks plastic”, “everything looks dim”, you got “no or nasty shadows”, and “the cans cast no shadows” is because you didn’t do it right, no offense. For a comparison between the engines, check this out, and see what one can do with BI: http://blendernews.org/xe/?mid=Feature_Articles&document_srl=1274
The faults of BI are not BI’s, they are yours, unfortunately
By the way, thanks for using my “Toxic” theme! I saw someone using it the other day at YouTube on a tutorial, I am a proud mama! LOL
EDIT: Here’s one of mine done in BI: http://vickym72.deviantart.com/art/Contemporary-Dining-Room-345128103
Here’s the lighting setup: http://vickym72.deviantart.com/art/Dining-Room-SS-345159175
I added Bloom in GIMP, but the raw render looks very similar. As Ace Dragon said, it’s all about area lights, area light size, and shadow samples. Most people rendering with direct lighting use an extra AO pass as well to help with subtle shadows. All in all though, most people use GI for interior renders, which takes care of most of the problems from the get-go
@ace dragon and vickym72: i will try area lamps!
heres the whole scene in yafaray, btw (note this is an older render, the can lids are missing, havent rendered the latest one yet):
okay, i got the area lamps to work! thanks so much for telling me about arealights!!! =)
had to school in the meantine… =(
heres the faraway view in BI using arealamps:
for the faraway, i used gauss antialiasing to have blurry-ish edges
it took about 17 minutes to render on my slow PC (1.66ghz, 1gb RAM)
heres the closeup (mitchell-nitravia antialiasing):
i still dont think its as good as the yafaray render, but its a lot faster!
i have one problem with the yafaray render that maybe you can help me out with. heres the old yafa render:
there are some jagged edges around the windows… is it possible to get rid of that in yafa?
f3l1x; are you trying to use Blender on a bargain basement E-machine by any chance?
I ask because it’s not going to matter if you use BI or not, you’ll generally be restricted to small and/or moderately simple scenes with just 1 gig of RAM to play with and a 1.7 Ghz CPU (probably a single-core too). Eventually you will find incentive to buy a more powerful machine because you would want to go beyond basic use of 3D.
So Vicky’s low-poly landscapes will be about the most complex you can go for the time being (unless you choose to completely avoid the use of raytracing).
well, its not the most powerful computer, but i could render the 19 billion polygons scene fine, so i think if i use instancing (as i do for the hi-poly chairs), i think it would still work okay.
and its fun to see how good blender is just on a slow computer too.
new pc is out of the question since im 10
@ace dragon: do you think more antialiasing passes will fix the edges? i have it set to 16 right now, but maybe i should use something like 64 or higher. time isnt a big deal, i can just render overnight. :)
The issue with the jagged edges is the glass material in the windows, but to explain how to fix it, I would need to write a book, honestly. Yafaray has a free PDF file, which is amazing, and will help you to even use other render engines. There’s just too much to fix, but read that PDF file and get more into it. You say you are young, and I admire your enthusiasm, but you have to crawl before you can walk, my friend. I also have some more links for you, that should help:
@vicky: sorry, but when i go to yafaray.org and go to documentation and click “YafaRay 0.1.1 User’s Guide - PDF” i get a 404 not found error…
i am running linux (lubuntu) 32-bit and using firefox.
is there a different link to the pdf?
heres the PC with an area lamp making the screen glow a bit. just thought id do it before looking through 7.2 megs of yafa doc
maybe its a bit bright, but i like it that way :D:)
@ace dragon:
blender tells me rendering the scene took a peak of 98 meg of RAM…
and i have 1 gig internal and 2 gig swap
RAM shouldnt be a problem for this scene
i have discovered that switching the samples on the lamps down from 512 to 64 gives me quite the speedup!
havent fixed the jagged edges yet, but faster rendering is going to help
happy blending/fixing yafa materials!
fixed the jagged edges, and got away with 16 samples for each light, render time only 13m now!!!
@vicky: thank you soooooooooooooooooo much! the documentation is good too!
i fixed the jagged-edge problem by changing the material for the wall. i orignally had oren-nayar as the reflectance model and had a reflection strength of 1 and a sigma of 1, so i switched the sigma to 0 and the reflection strength to 0.9
lesson: if something doesnt work, mess with the settings until it works.
i now only have to have a light sampling of 16 down from 256!
here are the diffuse settings for the wall:
heres the updated .blend: http://www.pasteall.org/blend/26964
hope you like it!
thanks again :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)