yafray texture prob

whoa ive been away from blender for a while
ive just started using yable and it looks great i have a couple of uestions

  1. tried adding a brick texture to a cube, half of the cube is fine and the other half is streched out, i also added a texture to my chars pants and they seem fine

  2. how would you go about bump mapping

  3. this seems like its only for stills or can u animate to

  4. and is there any documentation or tutorial that i can look at that will explain all the different types of light and material setings

here is a pic of my prob:

  1. don’t know

  2. no bumpmapping yet

  3. that is being worked on

  4. some docs are on the yafray site. That’s about all the documentation there is.


looks like the texture is applied twice (large bricks and small bricks) just a bad texture wrap?

I have the same problem about the texture stretching. I don’t know either what causes it. I do know that it is not caused by a texture being applied twice.