Yamaha niken

Hi, This is my first bike render and also first post in this community. It was fun working on this. I have spent almost 65+ hours on this and very happy with the final result. Most importantly I have figured out a lot of things and learned a lot while working on this. Which is really good for me.
I’d love to know what you guys think.

Thank you!

Background image : https://pixabay.com/en/road-tree-lined-avenue-avenue-3623330/
HDRI : https://hdrihaven.com/hdri/?h=royal_esplanade


damn it looks amazing
nice work !!!

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Thanks man! :grinning:

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Amazing work, you must be patient, I wouldn’t be able to spend over 65 hours on one project! Great job :smile:

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Yeah. I just wanted to try but I never knew if I could do this, if I could spent that much time on it but after starting I enjoyed it soo much that I continued working on it. It was really so fun. Now I strongly believe that anyone can do anything. And thank you so much for your comment! :smile:

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