yes another chess set

its a chess set i think the background is a little bland anyone have any suggestions?

wow really nice =)

maybe just add a bit of shadowing, that should finish it off =)

That is amazing, it looks finished to me, if you spice up the background too much it will take away from that wonderful chess set.

thanx for the help guys keep it goin tho there seems to be someting missing if u can think of anything just post it here

I want one!

As for what you can do to improve the render…

  1. Try adding some fake GI. If that doesn’t work, try a more dramatic hard-shadows lighting scheme.

  2. Add a little bit of depth of field.

  3. Arrange the pieces in the midpoint position of some famous chess match.


Cool, i think you should move the rows a bit closer, it looks kinda weird with those spaces.
