(Yet another) Chess set

Hello all,
as everyone does a chess set at some point, it’s time for mine… Crits, comments, suggestions are welcome (I guess materials could use some work, but have no idea how to improve them). Any idea for nice scene to put it in? Attached two shots and reference pics.


I like the design of the pieces. Is this rendered in Yafray? Doesn’t look like BI to me.

It is Blender Internal with Ambient Occlusion (10 samples… renders loong) and one (exacly one) lamp (area lamp of course).

Very nice for a blender internal. (Second one in particular) Perhaps you could add some depth of field.

But I think you should try experimenting with other render engines to get a better pic.

And nothing but that? No wrong modeling, no plastic materials, no inadequate textures and wrong mappings, no render artifacts? Is it so perfect and only better renderer can help it be even more marvelous or it just sucks and nobody wants to say anything more? There is no “main actor” in these two shots, so it’d be difficult to set up DoF to expose anything… I guess I could move some pawn forward thus making it “main actor”, but then I lose details of all other pieces and the pawn itself isn’t very fascinating… Again - is there any chance of making a good scene of this or is it condemned to float in air? I just don’t want put wooden chess board with wooden pieces on wooden table… I want it to be interesting… Any ideas?

Maybe try putting it in park scene with table and Ludwig & Mancandy playing…

Nice, great job, especially with BI