Yet another kitchen..

Just looking for a little feedback. I still have lots of stuff to make and also plan on re-modelling the cabinate doors. Also, the pantry will have a partially open door and Ill fix the off color trim…:confused: BTW, this is actually a model of my kitchen.

Looks great! Maybe the cabinete doors material look a bit plastic? Would be nice to see it with different lightning aswell =) Looks really really good though =)

One thing I notice are the fridge handles. They look low enough for a toddler to grab onto. But hey if that’s how your fridge looks in real life.

Love the cans and their texture. Very nice.

Yeah, I have really struggled with lighting interior scenes. I have thought of adding a window over the sink even though the real one doesnt have one.

Yeah, I noticed the handles and teh ice maker were low and I keep forgetting to move them up…
Anyway, here is a better (i think anyway) version after having made some adjustments in post processing.

Also, here is the real thing for reference…
I forgot to mention that this is actually the first real scene I ever made in Blender 3 years ago. I rendered it in YAFARAY back then and thought it was the greatest thing I had ever accomplished on the computer…
Here is that version, as you can see, I have made some definite improvements…

Here is the latest render. I made the pantry doors. They need to be textured better and also some hinges.I re-modelled the cabinet doors also.
Getting there…

Latest render…

Great stuff.

I’d love to have this much room in MY kitchen.

Also, are you planning to model a blender (small ‘b’) to put on the counter? Just seems like it’s aching for one. :slight_smile: