Yet another Linux install question

Sorry about this, but I’m a Linux newbie and I can’t find a complete answer to this problem.

Using SuSE 8.0
I’ve got the latest driveers for my TNT2
I’ve got the version of blender that didn’t have static in the filename.

Now here’s my thing. Do I unpack the file to somewhere in my home directory? I tried that and then set up a desktop link (KDE 3) which, when I clicked it, did nothing. If I try to launch it from the directory I unpacked it to, KDE gives me a dialog telling me it can’t find Blender.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I can’t find an answer that works for me yet.


try the static version :slight_smile:


Are the .so OpenGL libs optimized for your system in the correct place?

Then, from a terminal, in the directory where the executable belender is a nice ./blender from a terminal launches blender?


OK - I’ll d/l it later.

I guess so, but this is where my lack of knowledge about Linux lets me down. I have only the vaguest idea what .so OpenGL libs are. I’ve got a whole bunch of stuff from the nVidia site which I can read through and see if that works. Considering the good reviews that the SuSE installer/config tool has had, I would have thought all that would have been taken care of. However, I don’t mind getting my hands dirty once I get past the initial understanding.

I tried the ./blender thing anyway and it gave a GLUT error. But this is with the non-static install.

I’ll look into everything you said Stefano, thanks. And if anyone else wants to throw some info, even some good READMEs my way, feel free.

OK, the static version worked fine, thanks for the tip. Now the inevitable question, what’s the difference between the static and the non-static (dynamic?) version?

If the dynamic version is better, where can I find out how to get it going?

OK, my understanding of how this works is basic, but I think that I’ve got the general idea:

Dynamic Blender relies on your graphics card drivers to already have the needed OpenGL libraries loaded and ready to use, whereas Static Blender just loads them itself before loading the program.

If I’m correct in my description there, there shouldn’t be much of a different between the 2, EXCEPT for that the Dynamic version might load up a bit faster, and might be more easy on system memory.

Anyone know for sure if that’s how it works?