hello guys… this is my first post
I just started create yoona from SNSD (member of korean girlband), I didn’t know why I choose her for my first human modelling project
here’s wireframe
node for material
hello guys… this is my first post
I just started create yoona from SNSD (member of korean girlband), I didn’t know why I choose her for my first human modelling project
here’s wireframe
Nice work. Your wires are great. My only critique is that’s there is some wasted space in your uv layout. It could use some rearranging, although it might be a little late for that.
thanks bro, yeah it’s too late for rearranging my uv layout, but I will change the uv for the body later
here’s the first render
The first render look really really great! With this texture and these lights the result is already awesome! Great work
thanks dude, btw after 1 year learn modelling in blender
this is the first time I use Cycles as renderer engine
cycles is awesome
people out there should try this, AFAIK people underestimate blender cause of newbies post their project with low quality of render.
I hope this project become front Art :LOL
added hair particle ( this is the hardest part )
added necklace
please somebody give me some critique and help me finish this
Your modeling lookg good, nice expression in the face. The muscle under the chin looks odd, but the rest is good.
I can’t help you fix it, but the skin is stopping your modeling from looking great.
The model is looking good, however I take it the eyes aren’t finished yet?
Yoona for those who don’t know what she looks like. dies Korean girls FTW!
Not to get off topic but, She’s cute!
I’m working on the eyes and chin and all everything about shapes
the likeness of her face is the hardest part … cause of the nice references are hard to find too
I mean side view and front view
Well, about your reference photos, I might be of some service, (I’m a super Girls Generation fan), but these are some of my collection:
@ bossestrenders : well… thanks man the last photo is very help :eyebrowlift:
do you have some side view ?
Some more:
lol seem’s like all the good ones are a little small…
WOOW thanks man … seems I have to start from scratch again
collect references and try to match all references
Haha sure dude! anything i can do to get that perfect render oh, don’t forget to watch girls generation’s latest single I Got A Boy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq7ftOZBy0E lol
4Minute & Girls Generation definately make some cheesy pop songs! :spin: