You expect me to eat that!

I like the characters. I like the smile on his face, it says a thousand words. I also like the humor on the little dinosaurs face, that’s a dinosaur right? Hope I have not mistaken. :slight_smile:

is this a hyperbole? like the leaves standing for money etc…? if yes, I don’t get it XD

Hahahaha…the big guy looks like Star-Trek Actor “Picard” aka Patrick Stewart :slight_smile:

amazing facial expressions D:

Nice scene. I just want the surroundings and the background to be a little darker to highlight the sources of light- the burning lamp and the little guy’s antennae (I believe you are having other light sources besides these two). The shadow on the arm against the table seems too straight for me, it does not follow the outline of the object casting it.

I don’t think anyone has mentioned the head of the main character. Check your composite and turn off multiply alpha to reduce the dark edge seen along the top-left edge of the scalp. In fact, there could be a slight rim-lighting effect, perhaps from the tiny hairs on the skin (like peach fuzz).

Brilliant. nice concepts :slight_smile:

excellent work, I really like it. It is like the atmosphere and ambience of characters.

wel done i like the smile:)
but the wooden cup doesnt look like a wooden cup.
it looks like a normal cup painted like wood
well done overall. :smiley:

I love all the stuff in the background and the face is brilliant but the head seems to big for the body. Thats my opinion anyway.