Yugoslav Zastava Yugo

Zastava Yugo, a Yugoslav people’s car. It was made for the ordinary low to middle class folks. It was a car that everyone could afford and a car that helped mobilize Yugoslavia. You probably heard something bad about it, that it’s the worst car ever created and so on. But that’s a long way from truth. Truly it had its problems, and a lot of them, but it was never made for the purpose of being amazing in every way, it was made to be cheap and for going from point A to B. As a matter of fact it was sold in USA for some time, and that should say something. Yugo is a shadow of the past, a shadow of Yugoslav car industry. However the world thinks about this car, it will always stay in the heart of people of the former Yugoslavia and all of Balkan as a big step forward for our car industry.

What do you think? :smiley:



Here’s some wires

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the legend lives. great project.

Thanks :smiley:

Great job, really nice details

Thanks, it means a lot coming from you :smiley:

There is something about this Yugo that looks not real. Maybe the roof is a little bit too high… I don’t know… Good job in general! Keep it up! :slight_smile:
btw… I live in Serbia, but I think that Yugo is crap. In my opinion it is better to buy a used car for the same price of a new Yugo. It will run and last longer… :slight_smile:

Hvala :smiley: , mozda ti zbog perspektive izgleda malo cudno, mada ne kazem da je model 100% isti kao original, definitivno ima gresaka xD A sto se tice Yugica ja ga vise volim kao neki podsetnik na proslost, na neka “bolja vremena” i na domacu autoindustriju :smiley:


that’s why this car is for really tough guys only.

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Ahahaha…true,true…my car mechanic drives a Yugo and he really looks hard core!

it would be awesome to se Yugo in post-apocalyptic atire like mad max style

Svaka čast! Ima li neke šanse da se pojavi i model?

Hvala :smiley:

Evo ga i model: https://mega.nz/#!5ogjGZrD!NrCFDb1HIi0jQtUCgw8htgVX6kLV5M-brMoMaREnmPM

Thanks for sharing mate, looks good! Evokes some nice memories :wink:

the headlights position is off also I think the roof is too high http://www.vrelegume.rs/slike/227/yugo45_5.jpg
anyways nice work