Yummy - #10 cubes challenge 2023 - Tomato

Hope it looks good :slight_smile:


The one thing the dutch never accomplished - sqare tomatoes. :joy:


pretty sure I saw a news article about 10 years ago or more, where someone was putting boxes around growing watermelons, so they got watermelons with corners…

It’s a myth… i meant the thing with the dutch :


1961? :sweat_smile: How about today? (just joking)


…Oh… ahh… it’s an automatic shown frame of the video… starting the animation of the statistic from 1961 to…

…and yes it stops… before today… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The rapid growth of chinese tomato production is incredible. But if you’d count tomatoes per inhabitant I’d bet the netherlands would lead the list. :grinning: