Z-up-curve-to-mesh Node-Group For Blender 3.0 (With even-thickness)

Another Update! Curve now even evener!
z-up-curve-to-mesh (3.0).blend (139.7 KB)

Old File

z-up-curve-to-mesh (3.0).blend (138.2 KB)

This is an update to a previous node-group which deserves its own topic as the previous topic was about Z-Up curve-tilt and got de-railed.

Works like regular curve-to-mesh:

…but profile always projected in the z-up direction:
Z-Up-curve-to-mesh Example
Even thickness now default.

The z-up-curve-to-mesh Node-Group in the .blend file above has received a massive cleanup and now has Even-Thickness on by default (thanks to recent work)… (since I expect this node-group to be used for arch-vis purposes I can’t think of a situation where you don’t want even thickness… and since curve-radius is respected you can add whatever scaling (or tilt) you want.)

Lots of examples included.

Note: Doesn’t work well with curve sections that point directly along the z-axis.
You’ll note the curves used as examples tend to have gentle vertical slopes.

As a bonus, this file includes the Z-Up-Curve-Tilt node-group you can use in-conjunction with the Curve-To-Mesh Even-Thickness Node-Group to get the same effect as using the z-up twist-method on a standard non-GN curve-bevel (but with added even-thickness).


It works really well !
Thanks a lot for providing it !
I hope it will gather some developer attention, so at some point we have the option right in blender…
But I’m sure your node group will be super useful since then !

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Thanks - I just posted an update above and the “evenness” should be even more even!


Now that’s the evenest curve bevel I’ve seen !!


Thanks a lot for this !

Does anyone know what causes this node-group to sometimes act like there is no curve profile in recent Blender versions?

You can see it happening in one of the provided examples (selected object):

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Yeah… from 3.5 (onwards) you need to explicitly set the curve radius for some reason… :man_shrugging: … just add a Curve Radius node set to 1.0 and it should work like before.

Good luck!


Ahh an easy fix nice. Thanks man!