
My Newest Addition To My Line Check It Out Leave Comments

This Car Was Designed With No Outside Influences




thats really good, but one thing, why is the grill in the back of the car?

Its not a grill the grill is in the front behind the emblem and below in the bumper i just thought i could mix it up with a different body style in the back

I like it, especially the way it curves in at the sides, makes it all flow nicely. And the 3 exhausts are nice, along with the rims.

Cool car. :yes:

Nice work Errison . That,s VERY nice modeling , shadin and rendering. Can you tell us what is your render engine? Internal or external?

blender internal

…sweet…love the blending(?) of the smooth curves with the angles…three pipes IS sharp…

that’s one clean, mean looking car. And I don’t care much about cars, not if they are designed for urban areas only. Nice stuff.
I wonder when someone will design some car that isn’t so close to the ground, so it has more use on uneven terrain though.