I figured I should post here to transform a bit my relationship with this project. I am at a point where I’m confident showing off some images. Those are all stills from the film.
It is a short film made entirely in animation aimed at raising awereness about the phenomenon of erosion, how it will affect the people of Mayotte in the coming years, ways to counter it, all of this woven into a fun fantasy adventure (mostly for kids).
I consider the general look to be more or less established now, and although there is nothing I’d love more than to sand the rough edges, I have to proceed with animating the rest of the film.
I’d like to use this thread to share some of the things I’ve learnt in the process. Producing this on my own has proven challenging and I’ve gained quite a few insights into workflows I had barely touched before.
I was 300 km to the east, on Nosy Be island, Madagascar.
Your images immediately reminds me of those wonderful places: kind of nature, soil and, of course, the cute lemur.