ZBrush Dynamesh question

Hey, excuse the noob question/fail - this is my first attempt at zbrush…

I only figured out what dynamesh did yesterday… my problem is that I’ve been using dynamesh to divide the model and go up in resolution rather than zreshmeshing and then dividing at an early stage (I didn’t know and only just found out :frowning: ).

So I’ve got the an almost final stage of the sculpt which is about 3.6mil polygons at a dynamesh resolution of about 700. My question is… is this ok to do? if not is there a non destructive method to fix the polycount if I wanted to skin texture it etc? Sorry for the question if its obvious, just a bit lost on how to fix this if it needs fixing that is. Many thanks

If you want to texture it, then you would have to retopogize it and then bake a normal map and use other softwares for texturing. If you just want to lower the poly count then, you can use decimation master, you should be able to lower it 10% without any big noticable different. If you want to polypaint it then you can do that in zbrush and use decimation master to keep the lower polycount while keeping the polypaint.

Duplicate your subtool
Use ZRemesher to reduce poly count
If you want multiple subdivisions you can zremesh to a low poly count, subdivide, ProjectAll to project onto the original mesh, subdivide and repeat etc.

Thank you do much for the replies Jalex and Richard. Much appreciated