Zealot fanart

Zealot fanart I really like Zealot in specific and Protoss in general ! So I looked for Zealot designs to create one myself and I’ve found this wonderful Zealot design by Anthony Jones for the opening cinematic of Starcraft Legacy of the Void. It took me more than 40 hours or so to finish this model. Armors were modeled in Blender and the Body was sculpted in Zbrush.

All image are rendered in 750 sample.

Original Concept by Anthony Jones https://www.artstation.com/artist/robotpencil
All right belong to Blizzard Entertainment.

Hit me with your feedback pls, about anything related to this post, and feel free to ask me the technique I use in this render. My bud told me he look more like High Templar than Zealot, what do you think ?

Dim lighting ( Cool lighting):

Full lighting :

Clay renders:

3D view :

.blend file coming soon :wink: .


Excellent work… lots of detail. Thanks for sharing.

Really epic! But I won’t share my .blend for such stuff, would keep it private. But it’s up to you!

how did you get that look for the render was it compositing or opengl or cycles or internal either way awesome

I think it looks amazing. My only constructive criticism would be to consider adding a texture that isn’t so clean. I am saying this as someone who couldn’t do a nice a job as you on this model. but for me it looks too clean.

GREAT job!

I’ve rendered this image using cycle render and it’s compositor. The compositor doing most of the work, if you’ve been wondering about the energy blade i’ve use image texture with emission and transparent material. The compositor is just simply a Fog glare on top of all thing.

You can always check it later when I post the .blend.

Sometime less is more my friend !!! Adding some texture to this render would be easy but it will make the character look dirty overall thus make it look more confusing, as if it’s not looked confusing enough !

For the background of this character, a protoss usualy has a shield which absorb a lot of stuff so a clean armor are not so ilogical :).
But thanks for your ideas .

Incredible modeling! These images look super awesome. Nice work!

How did you pose it? :slight_smile:

How did you pose it? :smiley:

Using Rigify addon of course !

This is so incredibly awesome that I can’t help stare at it. Love the modeling and the design. If I had to crit it though, its that, the materials just lack texture. Some subtle texture (one that you would barely notice) would help the surfaces look less cartoony and bland.

Very nice… I mean, fantastic :smiley:
Only the skin bother me a little, the sculpt is perfect but on your render it looks a biit too smoothed or plastic like.
I can’t define the problem… it kinda lake of noise I believe.

Acknowledged :slight_smile:

The model looks great. I share the same nitpick that the armor looks more plasticy than metallic. Subtle scrapes, bumps and dirt could also add a more character.

Update download link : http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/83839