Zebra Three, Zebra Three, 2-11 in progress...

This year will be the 40th anniversary of Starsky and Hutch, one of my faves when I was a young’n. (Yes, I am that old. As my own little tribute, I modeled the ‘striped tomato’, the first car, I think, that gave me an automotive ‘chub’. I hope you like.


This looks great, CapnChaos! Not only have you made a faithful recreation of the car, but also a nicely detailed environment for it. Very good work, the car and it’s paintjob look terrific! How long did it take you to complete?

Yeah really cool!

Thanks, James, I appreciate it. It took an hour or so a day and a few more during the week end over the course of about two weeks to complete. Actually, I should say ‘nearly complete’ it since I just noticed that the Gran Torino badge behind the front wheel wasn’t rendered. Ah, crap. Must have left it on a layer that wasn’t included in the render layers. Oh well…:frowning:

Thanks man!

No problem, you can always render the badge by itself on a separate layer so that it renders very quickly, then combine it with the original render in post. If you have any questions about how to do that, I’m more than happy to help!

Ah, scene looks good!

I like the pebbles scattered on the ground. If you want to push it farther, I would add a more detailed ground texture.
I like the placement of the grass, especially around the buildings. Although the grass is a bit over saturated.
For the car paint material, it looks good, although to make it even better, I would add a Fresnel effect to it.

Other then that, good job so far! :smiley:

I was always a fan of this car back in the day, and the old tv series. Really good version of the car and a cool scene.

The only thing that looks a bit out to me is the drain grill in the road, it looks a bit too big compared to the size of the car, could be wrong though as I’m basing my comment on the size of the drain covers I see in my own country.