Zebra Vodka - Product Render

I made up the brand Zebra Vodka to explore some scenes for showcasing a glass bottle. With it being vodka i wanted the tone to be kind on the cool side, to emphasize the product being enjoyed ice cold.

Adding the ice cubes to the scene was inspired by a piece Mike Campau did for a brand of Tequila.

Adding some close up shots to really put focus to some of the minor details. The luxurious metal label and the embossed details on the bottom of the bottle.

The pattern on the bottle itself is a simplified version of the stripes on a Zebra. I felt it was a bit hard to catch it at first glance, so I created the last shot with this in mind, imagining the bottle rolling over the floor leaving the pattern imprinted in the flooring.


Nice images.
I really like the modelling, lighting and shading.
About modelling, how do you make the zebra stripes and the details on the bottom of the bottle?
About the zebra stripes I’ve to admint that I’ve not catch that detail… I haven’t put together the name Zebra and those stripes… probably just me.
About the overall image I think it’s general great but as you put the ice cubes and you want to communicate that is better to drink it cold, I think that it should be better to add a bit of water drops due to the condensation, as I’ll expect when I take out a bottle from the freezer.

Except this, I think it could be a real product advertising image!

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Thank you so much for the feedback. You’re definietly right about the condensation. Honestly I don’t know how I forgot that. I will add it when i revisit the project.

The embossed details are all made from displacement maps. I exported the UVs and opened them in Illustrator/Photoshop and made the details there. For packaging renders in general, I would definietly recommend diving a bit into how to create custom maps for roughness, metallic, bumps, normals and displacement. Jbrash has some very, very good and thorough tutorials on this.

For the displacement map specifically I used the tutorial below to get started.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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