Zen Sets for Blender

@SergeyTyapkin - Really cool update for collections.

I have a question. I use subdivision modifiers on a lot of my geometry, and I’ve noticed that even when I hide the display of the subdivision cage using the toggle button in the subdivision modifier stack, Zen Sets, at present, continues to display the cage. And when it does so, Zen Sets shades the colors of the cage faces with different values - some lighter, some darker - for some reason.
Would it be possible to update Zen Sets so that it respects the toggle state of subdivision cage visibility?

Hi, thank you for a good catch. It will be fixed in the next addon release

I added it to Discord Zen Sets Feature Requests channel


I was doing some 3D modeling last night and had a thought while UVing, is it possible to add these tooling to UV’s as well ? grouping UV islands and color coating them visualizing them on your mesh and even a button that could unpack based on the UV sets and seems that way you could UV set large parts of your mesh to distinguish them as a group then use UV seems to split them and that could correlate in the UV editor, just some ideas :slight_smile:

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Thanks for idea, UV highlight is in the roadmap


Fixed! Update Zen Sets, latest 1.2.1

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I’ve installed the latest 1.2.1 update. Turning off an object’s SubD cage also turns off Zen Sets display completely. Am I correct, then, in guessing that there’s no way to keep Zen Sets face sets/parts colours displayed while an object is subdivided, but with the cage disabled? I’m just considering it from a ZBrush/Blender workflow, but I recognise there may be limitations. This would, I assume, become especially complicated with Vertex and Edge Sets (which are not available in ZBrush at all).

Either way, great update - thanks! The collection sets look like a really useful feature, once I get to grips with the workflow.


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Hi, excuse me for the late update.
The problem with modifiers is that we can not quickly get all chained meshes in Python (there are maybe multiple nested modifiers). Currently I can get only the most top cage. Other cages are internal

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Hi, everyone. We added support of modifed Mesh shading in Zen Sets 1.2.6.

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Sorry for the late response but I’ve just now updated Blender versions and updated all my plugins following a major project at work. This modified Mesh Shading feature is really excellent! Likely to be a bit of a gamechanger for my ZBrush-to-Blender workflow, TBH - it all feels very natural when switching between the two programs now. And even when I’m not using ZBrush, I’ll still be using this all the time in Blender, because it’s just incomparably better for mesh organisation than any native Blender functions. Thanks a lot!

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Is there a way I can toggle this button with a hotkey?

Nevermind I figured it all out.
Could you by any chance add something to the addon where you can mark the groups with seams for zen uv so you can unwrap like zbrush?

Edit - Figured out a way to do it.

Hi, there is a trick, how to do it

  1. Open menu with any Blender property
  2. Press ‘Assign Shortcut’
  3. Find the corresponding shorcut in Preferences
  4. Set value to preferences.addons['ZenSets'].preferences.common.object_shading

P.S. If shorcut was executed but nothing happend in the 3DView, pan view a little bit to redraw the area

I had figured it out but thank you anyway.

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Zen sets does not appear in blender 3.2 mate.

latest v1.3.4 works great for Blender 3.2.1

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This looks very cool!

Does your addon support the ability to compare Texel density across faces? So if you had 1 face set green, then another texel/size as red maybe. See how everything else falls in between.

Basically I’m trying to find a visual way to compare my overall face/texel densities , so I can upscale/downscale certain areas, depending on how its seen on a weapon in first person.

Yes, we have such a tool in Zen UV.

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Is it possible for edges to add loop sets or sub sets currently for loops in my model ill have a lot of holding edge loops for subd.

Having them all in 1 group is nice but some of these holding edges are not “correct loops” so i have to select them in parts manually, it would be nice to have a group set that stores loops, that way i can have all my holding edge loops in a set and quickly select the loops i need.

Would also be nice if you could smart select the loops as well not the whole group just by selecting maybe a single edge from each a loop and smart selecting just to grab those sub groups and not the whole loop group.

Thanks, love the addon!

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