Zombie chain saw uhh.. I dont know how to spell it

Why don’t you just include Apple3 on the BLEND???
It always works if you do that.

Apocalypse means “revelation”…
What’s the matter? Afraid that all evil on earth disappears? :spin:

do what, I dont know what that is

I’m not too sure if you read my last post, I told you how to make it reach 60 fps.

I was simply spelling the word he was looking for. (Making an assumption, admittedly.)

yes that worked

this is like the army of darkness.
good job

no its just in my oppion the world would be pretty bad without a little evil we would all be good and happy all the time yes but it just wouldn’t be right i’m sorry if my oppion is wrong!

no its just in my oppion the world would be pretty bad without a little evil we would all be good and happy all the time yes but it just wouldn’t be right i’m sorry if my oppion is wrong!
Yes it is…

How would the buy be good being bad, or bad being good?

I dont know if it works for you but there is mouse movement
if it dosent work go to this link http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=117734 click on the link there and find your way to the mouse movement page then find were it ses “to use APPLE 2, first down load this file” and do it and save it to this file: C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender

that shud work

dude lets just please stop and not ruion his thread ok?

RAMBO187, I DON’T like that mouselook, I’m sure there can be a better one :wink:

yah I dont like it ether Ill try that one

I need some one who is alitle beter at modleing then I am. I need some one who could make a beter zombie them mine

Yea I Got 5fps???