Zombie RTS

@all: Here is a .blend with the current state of the zombie and civilian AI. Could you please tell me if there is anything I will need to change to be compatible with your code?

@blubernuget, @Excaliberr: Have you thought about putting a normal map on the buildings? It would help the realism a lot while staying low-poly. If you put the normal map in the first texture slot it won’t show up in multitexture.

Also, are we using 2.49 or 2.56 for this?

Well instead of controlling the civilian, it should be running away on its own, which im sure u already know. besides that, its looking good! were using 2.49. I probably shoulda made that clear earlier.

The controlled civilian is just for test purposes, so that I can see how the zombies react.
How are the troops going to work? Do you want an AI for them too?

Hi, I’m currently studying in audio design and I would be interested in being your sound effects/ambience/music score guy on this project, just pm me when the need is there ! :]

@skykooler: Ok, cool. Thats what I figured but I was just making sure. The troops don’t need too much AI. Just simple things like automatic attacking when in sight of a zombie.

@Wolf989: Sounds great! We need zombie sounds, gun shots, civilian screams, ambiant wind noises and sirens, and some eary zombie music would be awesome. I’ll add you to the team list.

Here is the current progress from that first day - http://www.pasteall.org/blend/5675

It was coded in about 3 hours so its a bit messy, I sure skykooler could optimize it. It also has the hierarchy spawn system, although in its first stages.

The spawn system works by having hundreds of spawn points around the map, then parent them to some empties, then parent those to another few empties. That way when searching for spawn points that are close enough to be activated, it searches the top parents first, then the second, then finally the spawn points themselves. This means that instead of searching hundreds of spawn points, it only has to search a fraction.

The builder its also pretty cool, although I have a basic working version here. The full version dynamically adds buildable objects to a list, that way all you have to do is load libraries of the buildable objects.

The point and click system works very basically. You left click to select, right click to move, if you right click on an enemy it will switch to a different state.

To use the build system select the cube on the bottom left. then left click to place it.

EDIT: skykooler: we need to work out how to divide the code work. How about this:

Point and click - tied into the AI
Health - tied into the AI
Civilian Zombie simulation

Build system
Spawn system
GUI Code


The division looks good, however the .blend you have uploaded is just the default cube.

Are you sure? I just downloaded it and it was fine.

I used Blender 2.5 - r35474


Ah, it is using 2.5. Ok. It doesn’t do anything for me though - just sits there.

What do I do to make something happen? Click somewhere? Press a key?

Try left clicking the cube in the middle, then right clicking. Like in an RTS.

Also to build, left click on the left on the bottom left, then click somewhere to place it.

I can’t click on anything. My mouse doesn’t show up. Also I can only see anything in wireframe mode - everything is all white in solid or textured. I have not had any graphical problems with Blender before, so this is odd.

Also, blubernuget has said we should be using 2.49.

@Excalaberr: I’m at school on a crappy computer, so it wouldn’t let me test it, but I will when I get home.

I’m going to start working on some more civilian and troop units. I’ll also do some military buildings and city buildings. Hopefully we can put everything together and get a demo test up soon!
Keep up the good work guys.

Strange that it didn’t work. I will try it out on an earlier version of 2.5 see if that works.

I modeled about 12 buildings. most are at least slightly model so they look really good ingame, rather than a picture. I will optimize the polycount before uploading them.

About the city. What style are you going for? Rural, Large city. Realistic, futuristic.

Another few things skykooler and I could code, a random city generator using the buildings we make, and the camera script.


Rural = Country. Urban = City. Just trying to help eschew obfuscation. Good luck. I love (s l o w) zombies.

It should be migrated to 2.49. Also, I don’t have anything like that when I open your file; this is what it looks like when I first open it:

And then when I press ‘P’:

That’s it. No cursor, nothing moving. If I run it in textured mode I just get a white screen.

Sorry I’ve been gone for the past few days! Loving the buildings. Ill probubly make mine a little higher poly. I just really don’t want the game to be lagged up. Performance>graphics

Yeah that is something to consider.

This game looks promising, however coding/modeling it renewed a craving for a project I have always wanted to do, the RTS template. So I think I will leave this project and start the Template. Feel free to use/edit everything I gave you. Also stop by my thread, as I will be using advanced techniques to optimize RTS.

So here is the buildings I made. Still way too highpoly = http://www.pasteall.org/blend/5700

Thanks for having me

Thanks for all the help Ex! and good luck with your project

I tried making a few buildings to fill Excaliberr’s gap. I made two so far, with normal and spec maps. I thought I should check if I was going in the right direction before making more.

And a .blend:

Heck yeah you are! Those look great, where are you getting the textures?