Zombieland in Rome - Gym

Hello folks,

this is another story. Same series, Zombieland in Rome, but different period.
The beginning, taken from the same gym I usually workout in :slight_smile:
not identical but source of inspiration.

the story has to be discovered.
thanks to @etn249 and @sozap for they suggestions, I think I finally made up with a final decision, time to release.
thanks to them I added few subtle details to hide the whole story in a shot.

second try of a “less-noob” work, working hard on post-pro and story telling with lighting, but also w/ details…



I really love it! Great job at scene setup and lighting. I do think that a more cinematic camera angle/dynamic camera could push the storytelling in this one.

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Sorry for double posting, but i have been thinking about a subtle improvement on the lights to better describe this story.

added a practical light in the garage to let you spot something more…

this is the beginning… from a normal evening in the gym to a fight for survival…

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