Zoom In Stuck

I use Ctrl-Scroll to zoom in (Mac computer) and it works well, but only up to a point and then it gets stuck.

I have read that this has to do with the orbit being tied to an object or pivot point and you cant stray too far away, which is annoying because I keep getting stuck when trying to navigate through the environment I am building. I have read about a “Dolly Mode” using Ctrl-Shift-MMB, but this didn’t seem to do anything for me. I was able to use the Dolly mode by using Shift-Ctrl-+ (or a similar keyboard command, I can’t remember), but this totally screwed up the navigation when I tried rotating my view, so whatever that did didn’t end up being the solution.

There is also a “Fly Mode” (Shift-F) I believe, which is pretty cool, but I find it slow for my mind to jump between that and the normal navigation.

I would really prefer to just be able to Ctrl-Scroll and navigate in the normal way, but without getting the camera “stuck”

hit the full stop (period ) on NUMBERPAD or its under view ~view selected on menu
that will “frame” the selected item (object OR in edit mode anything you have selected) and reset the zoom

hope that helps

same issue, blender with mouse will rotate, but not zoom or pan… blender 2.79 , have restarted blender 3 times, tried with new file. reset to default layout doesnt help either.

A couple quick questions:

  • Are you using the factory defaults for Blender?
  • Did you actually try the Numpad-dot (.) solution mentioned in this thread? What happened when you did?

I dont have numpad, using mac laptop unfortunately…reloaded factory defaults, same problem, also restarted blender again same problem. Love the software so far, efficient and fast tools for navigation and modelling…but this has knocked me off the road the last 6 hours.

factory default still same issue:

Stupid question: How exactly are you trying to zoom and pan? Touch gestures, or are you using a mouse?

I`m using a 2button 1 wheel mouse, standard type. its been working fine for a couple of weeks, today was the only day this happened. I use both settings for panning, shift MMB, or shift/alt LMB…
and scroll wheel for zoom… I have your book btw…love it!.

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:smiley: Thanks!

You’re using a scroll mouse and you’re not getting any zoom behavior at all in the default scene? And the scroll wheel works fine outside of Blender, I assume?

Out of curiosity, does MMB+dragging in the Outliner or Properties editor work for moving the content of those areas around? Does scrolling work there, but not in the 3D View?

:blush: yep it works in excel spreadsheet , word doc etc. (scrolling).

mouse scrolling up and down panels (T, N in 3d viewport) is fine, and in the properties panel.

clicking MMB and orbiting works fine,
ALT LMB works fine for rotating as well.

in the 3D viewport: scrolling MMB for zoom and panning shift/alt LMB (or Shift MMB) dont work.

Jason, gotta sleep, up early tomorrow I will reply further then, thanks for taking a look at this…!

Have restarted my system as well Jason, no luck there either. I also tried a new mouse with same results…can orbit objects and grid, but cannot scroll zoom or pan with mouse.
:sweat: guess i`m stuck at the moment.

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there a setting called zoom to mouse position or something.

yep, but thats not influencing the problem with the mouse from my testing either on or off.

UPDATE: (tuesday) just now I have opened blender again, and again tried restore factory defaults.
previously: zoom scrolling not working. now it is working
previously: MMB click to rotate/orbit working… still working now.
previously: LMB+alt/opt to orbit working… now not working
previously: shift+alt LMB panning not working… still not working.
previously: shift + MMB clicking for panning not working… now it is working

wondering if I can back up my themes or the changes I have made to blender included themes? and make a copy of my favourite start up file, put these in another folder… then uninstall blender and download a fresh copy to see if that happens… is that worth trying?

Note that shortcuts are saved separately of themes & and you need to load both when you wish to use those again. The only time this is done automatically (i.e. on Windows) is when new version arrives - versioning folder in Roaming is not present or you create your own ‘config’ in versioning root. Then Blender asks, if you wanna copy/keep previous preferences…


after loading factory settings again, I went to my favourite theme Hexagon then changed orbiting from turntable to trackball, saved this and now the mouse is working fine again with all commands…:sweat_smile: tested it by changing back to turntable and it still works.

thanks burnin, noted…

say hello to boxalopogos.

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I am on a MAC HIgh Serria 10.13.5

running on 2.9 GHz core i 5

nvidia gt 750m 1024 mb

but I having problems zoom in or roatingin my view port any help please

more details needed :slight_smile: , you mean with your mouse or on the keyboard? do you know the shortcuts? which ones arent working?

I have a basic iMac keyboard with no num pad and using a 3 button mouse

under blenders user preferences what should I have check?

spend some time reading the blender wiki book

set these in the preferences: turn on emulate 3 button mouse, and emulate numpad.
I access my user preferences and choose the “input” tab, with shortcut > command , (comma)

you can then use “option” and LMB (left mouse button) to rotate the scene, or click and hold your scroll wheel to do the same. You can set rotation style to trackball or turntable, both are useful, trackball allows you to rotate the scene in diagonal angular ways like a trackball in the middle of the scene, and turntable allows quick rotation left and right or up and down of the scene, or object if you are in edit mode.

For zooming scroll with the mouse wheel with your pointer in the 3D viewport, or try “control and option” held down together and LMB drag in the 3d viewport. Or use the plus/minus keys on your keyboard. Or pinch your track pad in and out to zoom… If you find that you are limited in your zooming (it stops for some reason) switch to orthographic view and try zooming further.

you can get tutorials on youtube, on blender.org, on udemy, and cgcookie…(if you pay for the last 2). Read the blender manual too and there are detailed explanations of many topics at the _blender stack exchange…

blender.org on youtube
beginner tutorial user interface youtube
beginner modelling youtube
sculpting in blender for beginners youtube leave this till after you have learnt mesh modelling fundamentals.

currently the blender.org youtube fundamental videos are blocked but they are looking into it…


Thank You BlueBird much appreciated I hope Youtube would stop messing things up

right now I am working on a Udemy Blender course called “Blender 3D Zero to Hero”

BlueBird do you have a Blender 3D gallery ?
me not yet still learning

im totally green to blender, just starting after having in mind the last couple of years. Im busy learning other software as well so blender ill just dig into casually but as much as I can. :slight_smile: I do have some blender tuts lined up on cgcookie, udemy and youtube, lots of good content for mid level issues on blender stack exchange, and I copy a lot of that to a notebook as well. I also have "fweeb"s Blender for dummies book which is highly readable and has a lot of useful beginners content he posts on the forum here too. I hope you power through blender!