Painting with Polygons...

Any hints as to how to get the pen-and-ink effect? I can manage something like most of the other examples in the thread, but this one eludes me.

Best wishes,

I’m really liking this technique - it’s more versatile than it first appears. Lots of applications for anything that doesn’t have clearly defined edges. Flames anyone?

Based heavily on Ben Dansie’s flame tests, but using the new technique to add some fuzziness to the flames.

ben Oh, that is wonderful. I will have to look at the referenced Ben Dansie efforts to maybe understand what you have now applied, but the effect is fine. I make real income doing photo-real, but my heart and personal animation interests always go the NPR direction. This a fine example.

You mean per frame.

Didn’t save the blend so…

Used the composite node tree from the miko character to get the lines and a bunch of trial and error.

Does anyone know why the vector blur node doesn’t work as a alternative to real motionblur to get this effect rendered faster ?

I have tried using 4 displacement nodes to distort the render and then combine them together to get a similar effect but i haven’t gotten it to look as good as the examples made with motionblur yet.

Test images + nodes: First test. Same but without the inklines and the mixed cloud texture at the end. Nodesetup.

(click to resize)


I tried to post in this thread 2 days ago but the post haven’t shown up , was it because i had links to the test images i made ?

Anyway what i asked in my post was why the vector blur node doesn’t work as a alternative to real motionblur to get this effect rendered faster ?

And i have tried to figure out a alternative to it with in which i used 4 displacement nodes to distort the render and then combine them together to get a similar effect , but haven’t yet got it to look as good as the examples made with motion blur.

I hope i can post the image links later when i have a higher postcount.

Vector blur does not work, because it doesn’t blend together the frames between frames, but blurs the current frame along a vector.

Bump Featured on BlenderNation!

I think it says something about the creativity and coolness of the Blender Community that someone can post about some new technique, and within 24 hours people are posting their own tests and blend files, and sharing ideas about how to use it.

2D displacement with Nodes:

You can find some Tests with Nodes at blend.polis (german blender forum):

With Nodes you’ll lose some advantages of the original 3D displacement.

Hey guys, I had posted about this too on this forum, but it didn’t get as much feedback. Nice to see another thread did! I know a guy who whipped this up in about 10 minutes in Blender.

Beautiful results, krystal! That’s exactly the type of result I hope to achieve.

Krystal, that is the first example that really looks like a painting to me. could you explain the process you used for it?

this is a stunning technique(IMO)!

I wonder how we can implement in blender the vertex map method of “tuning” the effect strength in certain areas of the mesh, as seen below:

any ideas?

Messing with TobiasDn’s blend file and ended up with this!

You can go into Weight Paint mode and use Red (1.0) for where you want the full effect, and Blue (0.0) where you want no effect at all. And, of course, any values in-between have their relative effects.

I did it in the images I posted earlier by using the ‘group’ input on the modifier and assigning weights to different areas. Did the eyes, inside the ears and mouth to make them a lot clearer instead of it looking like some sloppy monkey painted it.

Subsurf levels also made a difference but I didn’t really experiment with that since it took long enough to render eight frames as it was.

“Stop experimenting on me…I’m about to go ape!”

…Grease Pencil trace

I messed with tobiasDN’s .blend too.
I took a stab at some crazy stairs in empty space, combined with the freestyle renderer.
Sorry, I can’t post attachments so it has to be a link.