people live in chronic hunger


Educate the starving… plllleeeease!

We are a generation educated in Darwinism but for some unexplainable reason we are above this law of nature and now we must try and educate, council and aid those who will F-up our lives. If technologically rich and powerfull countries extract their resources from a mob of useless eaters then why not? They have the audacity, the skills and the military force to build themselves a new world. And maybe a better world for all of us.

I say, to hell with the whales, the seals and whatever else. To tell you the truth, I am a lot more fascinated by our own achievements than what mother nature has accomplished. She is great but to me a stepping stone to something bigger, better and very different but not bad. Nano technology, space travel, medicine like current cyborg developments and even the 3D world we live in. Compared to a whale lulling around and blowing steam the modern world takes my breath away. And yes, their are problems (like the oil spill, Chernobyl etc. But it serves as motivators for people to give their best, and to echieve the impossible)

One day we will get there. We will build ourselves a paradise on earth. It will take time and a lot of tears. But we WILL get there. If you are not seeing it you are are part of the problem and will either need to step up and claim your own godhood, or step down and let someone else take lead.

So let the hungry starve, let Africa f-up there continent. At least the resources are still there for people who will be able to utilize it as it should be.

Yes, money and power can be a horror. But they are neccessary driving forces to mold us into a better form (Transhumanism). They are like the hammer and the anvil.

Do you think that the people (or most) who runs a country, political party or state religion are not motivated by some higher ideal? Do you really think they only think about themselves and how much they can horde up? These conspiracy theory waco’s really try to create this evil driven capitalist scenario that does not exist. The leaders and banking institutions are looking for human salvation. And they utilise war and other methods to achieve that end. How do you think the apartheid regime fell? Mandela sitting in jail twiddling his thumbs?

There will be sacrifices, like 1 billion starving uneducated, useless parasites. But those who are left will be of a higher stock, a higher breed if you will (except maybe Paris Hilton - lol)

Will they be snobs? Definately! How else will you achieve higher standards. Will they be comptetitive? Oh yes! How else would you like people to develop their full potential?

In the movie 2012 it was the self-centred, fear ridden senator who actually made the MOST sense. He’s argument was not taken up on intellectual rational terms by the geologist, but on emotionally driven BS. Save humanity, for the people, blah blah blah. Like mankinds great humanists weren’t some of the biggest butchers in history - like the French Revolution.

The future World Order system will work. At the moment it is crying and moaning bleeding hearts like YOU who makes the transition harder and harder. So stop bitching and help those who will be of use to humanity,… not the pop-eyed, pot bellied parasites. They have lost the race. Its survival of the fittest. If one or two of them fights his way out of that hell then wonderfull, and welcome to humanity!!! Let us see who else could be potential candidates for our future world.

I also believe that genetically manipulated people are the best thing since the invention of man!!!

[I am sorry if this offends a lot of poeple. I am no racist, communist or part of some outback inbred stock sitting on my porch shooting natives. I’m actually playing Devil’s Advocate. :evilgrin: - so don’t take me too serious!!!. But I do think that I have a valid point]

that is ridiculous gustavs:eek:

You know what is rediculous?

Pumping billions of Dollars, Euro’s or whatever into a bunch of losers because we feel guilty and have made it our responisbility to better their situation. And this BS from the same people who like to endorse Darwinism. You can’t have both sides of the coin.

We humans are f-king incredible. You have got to admit it. Has any monkey, giraffe or parrot developed cities, flying machines, motorcars? Nuclear power! I get goosebumps!

I haven’t seen nature develop ANYTHING new for the past 12000 years. Nadda. It’s same old same old. Yeah it’s fascinating but I am more fascinated when we replicate and improve on nature. No bird has ever carried 1000+ tons of cargo or travelled twice the speed of sound. No animal has ever run 400mph+ or created a rocket to shoot himself into space. We had to do it for him.

And don’t get me started on conciousness! The ancients worshipped it as serpent wisdom. It’s the greatest and most powerfull gift bestowed upon mankind. Cherish and nurture it.

I’m sorry. But humanity rules. And only the best of the best, not the starving little children or the people living in squalor. I don’t care about their sorry state. Did Astralopethicus bitch and moan because a lion is going to eat him? No. We as concious rational beings should know our place. You starve, you lose.

Nature did a amazing job with man but she f-up. She created a being that is faster, stronger, more intelligent and more competitive than anything she has bought fourth in her total existence. And this mother**** is comeing back to bite her in the ass! LOL!!

What, you want to be humble? Go ahead. It’s all these nature loving freaks that lost the fight that are running around hugging trees and hoping that mother nature is going to save them from themselves. But Mother nature is a bit slow, and not too sharp anymore. It’s like old grandma feeling a bit whoozy after checking little Timmy playing Starcraft. “I’m getting too old for this”.

And don’t come with this BS that we are going to kill ourselves. They’ve been singing that tune for gods know how long. It won’t happen. It’s just to motivate you simpletons into endorsing humanitarian political ideaologies and justify certain behaviours. Save the planet, save the whale, save the freaking grasshopper. I get neausea just thinking about it…

And yes, our developments has furthered a lot of problems. I am not denying that. But we are problem solvers, and we get better each time. As I said, we will get there. If we could recycle almost every single product and material created by us, we will have surplanted the need for most natural resources.

There are billions of galaxies to explore, massive developments to undertake on earth that would create a astounding standard of civilization. We will age hundreds and maybe thousands of years. We will explore the universe to build and create and rightfully take our place as civilized and industrious gods.

We won’t accomplish that if we carry along billions of hungry, starving, drugg addicted, morally corrupt, criminally oriented useless eaters. Genetics needs to stop that. Take your euro’s and dollars and rather donate it to institutions that are working at achieving that goal.

Is’nt it astounding that we humans will create our own next evolutionary step? What f-king animal, bird or insect could claim that success? None, and NEVER will…

Gustav: So if you would ever need help with something you would appreciate it if people would just tell you to go and die.

Let’s say you fall down and break both your legs, so you can’t move, would you want bypassers to just ignore you, or maybe put you out of your misery with a shovel?

Everyone needs help at some point.

Also, this thread is pretty much going nowhere, and it’s turning into a flame war, so I’m suggesting that it is closed.

@Gustav go and make some pretty pictures it might cool you off or perharps are you one of those strange ‘blender users’ that do nothing but hang around in offtopics flapping the gums but never actually using blender for anything. all talk no action huh.

The case I am putting forward is extreme. I know. I can’t go into the particulars for every scenario but overall I just wanted to lay out a alternative idea. Something I picked up from Transhumanism and fringe science and un-humanitarian ideas (if you can call it that). Pretty hectic stuff.

I was just playing Devil’s Advocate (as I said). Did not mean to be rude or start a flame war.Hope someone sees the twisted humour in my posts. :slight_smile:

Hey, I’m a loser. I’m a BIG loser. So maybe these posts are making up for something. LOL!

No seriously. I was just throwing some alternate views on the subject. Some of this stuff makes sense. In some mind altering diabolical way.

Have to admit, I use blender regularly at work and home but rarely hang around anywhere at Blenderartist other than the off-topic section. :slight_smile:

If you give a mouse a cookie…


Lol, I can’t believe some of you actually think like this. You’re not gonna help out because it won’t fix the problem. That problem is that everybody thinks like that. The whole myth that Earth can not support our population is bullcrap. Nature has its way of dealing with things when they get ‘over-populated’ if you know what I mean.

Instead of making up excuses to why you won’t help. Why don’t you just be honest and say that you just don’t care about this issue.

hey bigbad

I think you left one out

So, even though we understand that one particular method of “help” will fail to solve the fundamental problems, we should still continue to follow that one method (shower the 3rd world with financial aid)?

Tug on all the emotional strings you can grab, but don’t expect anyone to view that suggestion as anything other than complete idiocy.

Also, it’s not a myth that on a planet with finite resources, the sustainable population is also finite.

And as long as we’re talking about how nature controls population: Did it ever occur to you that first world aid to third world countries is interfering with the natural cycle of population control through starvation?

The early tribes that lived in Africa, before it was colonized by European powers (mostly France and Great Britain), were perfectly capable of feeding themselves.

Given, their population was significantly lower, but that’s what “population equilibrium” is all about.

Africa has more than enough resources to feed its people. Do you honestly believe that the birthplace of the modern human has no abundance of food? U.S. corporations own all of their farms because the U.S. and the U.K. gave huge loans to these countries knowingly that they wouldn’t be able to pay it back(Much like the U.S.'s mortgage crisis). So these corporations took their resources as collateral and now most of all the third world’s resources are all exported out to the U.S.

Do some research and you’ll see.

But Morio is right, this is turning into a flame war. The first poster made this thread for good intentions and then came these people with ‘philosophical’ reasons that they shouldn’t help. If you don’t want to help then don’t help. But don’t try to convince other people not to help. That’s just sick.

It’s your point, so you should post supporting evidence.

Also, assuming that any of that is true, the solution would be to give back the farms, not to continue with the kind of ineffective aid programs we’ve supported for the past few decades.

But Morio is right, this is turning into a flame war. The first poster made this thread for good intentions and then came these people with ‘philosophical’ reasons that they shouldn’t help. If you don’t want to help then don’t help. But don’t try to convince other people not to help. That’s just sick.

Ok, let’s try to understand this again:

It’s not a philosophical reason -> it’s a logical argument against the same old “aid” methodology that has largely failed.

The first poster thinks he’s helping, but we’ve pointed out, in significant detail, why his assessment is wrong.

I mean, even you made it clear that lack of aid is not the key problem - we need to give them back their farms (assuming that’s really true).

Wouldn’t it be more helpful to rally alongside that idea, rather than just more aid, which we all pretty much agree to be a pointless endeavor?

It sort of is, and was outlined in the documentary “Good Fortune” where the effects of two different “aid” projects are shown, it is viewable online until October: http://www.pbs.org/pov/goodfortune/

You might try convincing Western Corporations to pay a living wage and for corrupt politicians to stop being corrupt, but good luck with that.

Very informative movie. I recommend it, for everyone, but especially for those who think that we need to provide more “aid” for Africa.

You might try convincing Western Corporations to pay a living wage and for corrupt politicians to stop being corrupt, but good luck with that.
Well, corruption is fairly well established, but some things that could be done to increase wages -> decrease the population.

The basic principles of economics still apply, even with human labor (because that’s simply treated as yet another resource).

If there is less, it’s worth more. If there is more, it’s worth less.

I’m not expert in this matter but I find this:

to be reasonable explanation of poverty.

Social, there is more than enough information to prove what I’m saying. Its your laziness to not do reasearch that makes you think that it as simple as simply giving their farms back. Corporations are not going to give up millions in profits. People help out because they have a heart and can’t stand to see people suffer even if they are just helping one person. They are not trying to change the world, they are simply trying to help. Your reasoning “there is no point in helping because it won’t fix the problem,” is simply… dumb.

Decrease the population? Wow, so your solution for fixing the problem is not to provide aid but kill off the population. Good reasoning. I’m done with this conversation. This guy was just trying to do something good and we have to make it an argument.

I never said that solving the problem would be “simple”, but, if this is the core problem (which it appears to be), we should shift our focus there, not on methodologies that have proven to be ineffective -> that was my point.

Corporations are not going to give up millions in profits.
Well, not if you ask nicely. But, considering that corporations are simply collections of individuals, who are susceptible to common persuasion methodologies, such as persuasion through fear.

… it’s possible, but you have to be creative.

People help out because they have a heart and can’t stand to see people suffer even if they are just helping one person. They are not trying to change the world, they are simply trying to help.
But they’re not helping … we just reached that conclusion in the last few posts.

I mean, I’m sorry if that fact makes you feel less like a “humanitarian” that you want to be perceived as, but the fact remains -> signing a petition to send more “aid” is not going to help.

Actually, according to the above videos, you are funding activities that are going to destroy people’s lives.

Your reasoning “there is no point in helping because it won’t fix the problem,” is simply… dumb.
… Wow.

Point taken!


Decrease the population? Wow, so your solution for fixing the problem is not to provide aid but kill off the population. Good reasoning.
* reads his own post

I never suggested to “kill off” anyone.

Thanks Social. Sometimes one needs to put things, and being accused is no laughing matter, especially if you are innocent.