10 cubes challenge 2023 prompt #1 Heroes



In a time long long ago when this was fun to watch and not so commercialized… but that’s another story…


hidden last image for new thumbnail


Nice! Very recognizable :grinning:

Did I miss something though? I can’t find anything about a new 10cube challenge. I must say last year was great fun so if there’s a new edition being organized, I’m in.

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Thanks… in fact struggled about on additional cube… and some simple colors… so it is even more recognizable… :wink:

Well… see here:


Awesome! I’ll join in soon.

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Hmmm… decisons decisions…

[ this is a wonderfull example for the image slider… showing three (!!) variations ]



Ha… almost forgot to post the second one… :sweat_smile:

…hmmm :thinking: of course the crew in the foreground takes a lot of cuboids… ( incuding the “flying” professor ) but someone may recognize the ship in the background :wink:

…by the way the title giving captain is in the middle…
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Sliding that looks like R2D2 had an accident! :joy: