10-year C4D veteran moving to Blender

I agree with this, the delete key should be different from the X key. Delete should delete whatever is selected(this is a industry standard), we can use X and Ctrl X for delete options. Right now X and Delete are the same thing, they should be different so its more useful.

edit:thanks for the tip about ctrl + X!


That is dissolve. Dissolve and Delete can behave same in some situations but they offer different functionalities.

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Do not get me wrong, PersonA comes from AppX and wants Blender to feel like Appx. This is a repeating theme around here over and over and over again. People wanting or asking for things is not the issue but here is the thing. Blender is designed the way it is for a reason. This is like Notepad user starting to use Vim (or Emacs) and wonders why there is no Ctrl-S (some calls this to be an industry standard) for save. No it does not exists in Vim, for a reason. The best way to handle such situations is not to go against the grain and just learn the way things are designed to be and trust me your brains can learn many thousands shortcuts. I used every 3d app under the sun pretty much over the years and I actually find it to be fun to learn new ways of doing things. I recommend this attitude to all the new converts, otherwise you will just waste your hours and days struggling with shortcuts or with this or that. You might even find these new ways to be much more efficient than your old habits.


My comment has very little to do with wanting to mimic other apps. It does not logically make sense to have X hotkey and Delete button do the same thing. Make it more useful by have them do different things. Keep X as the delete menu and have delete delete whatever is selected , we already have Crtl + X for dissolve, which is sweet! Extend that logic to the Delete key. Often I need to either delete whatever is select or dissolve a edge/vertex.

I’m all for learning new software, I’ve learnt Lightwave, 3DSMAX, Maya, XSI, Modo,Mirai,Nendo, Wings3D, Bruce3D, Alias SketchUp(not alot of people used this one or even heard of it),Adobe Dimension, SketchUp,Zbrush, Sculptris, Moi3d, Fusion 360, AutoCAD, Inventor. So I understand where you’re coming from.

I’m new to Blender I don’t find it tough to learn because 2.8 made it easier and I’m not trying to change Blender into another software.

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I actualy was using your post as a jumping pod, did not mean to target you directly. I naturally did not want to make you the scapegoat in this debate. I also remember your user name from the Modo forums back then.

People who made Blender or the ones who are making Blender as of now know what they are doing, we need to put some trust in their judgement. They are not putting thing together randomly or patching things like there is no tomorrow, they try to make this coherent overall. They have a vision and they work towards that. They also need make certain desicions along the way which you can follow their processes on https://developer.blender.org

Basically if you assign delete to delete and x to something else in Blender, you break the consistency. If you do that you better replace every shortcut in Blender until you feel rest. Otherwise something will always rub you the wrong way.

My main point was based on the fact that I went through the similar struggles people complaint about here when I started using Blender many years ago. Its different, it feels awkward, until you just get familiar with it fully.

“Basically if you assign delete to delete and x to something else in Blender, you break the consistency. If you do that you better replace every shortcut in Blender until you feel rest. Otherwise something will always rub you the wrong way.”

I’m using the Blender keymap BTW not the Industry Compatible, just so we are on the same page.

I disagree with that statement. we are just talking about the delete function ,which are assign to X and Delete. Are there duplicated hotkeys within Blender beside the Delete? I can’t think of any, at least ones that are assign to different hotkeys like the Delete function. Local view uses “/” but its on the same keys just on both side. Even if they do exist, its a moot point because I’m only advocating for changing the Delete key so its more useful and should speed up modeling in Blender. Whether the Blender devs want to change other duplicated hotkey is another issue all together.

I bet you most people who use Blender will hit X instead of Delete, because X is right at your finger tips and Delete is way too the right. It’s like having 2 buttons in a car one next to the driver and one on the passenger seat that does the same thing, that’s not good design in any software. This is not about struggling to use a software, its about design, whether its good or bad.

I agree the Blender devs are smart and they know what they are doing but they are human and humans aren’t perfect, and humans change things base on feedback and logic, like Right click select to Left Click select. Even the GUI/UI elements during 2.8 development are constantly changing and they are logically sound changes.

The solution is keep X as the delete pop up menu(because most people are used to this). Delete hotkey(which no one uses to delete) should delete whatever is selected. This can be a user preference , I’d gladly turn this ON.

Actually is there a Add-on that I can assign to the Delete key that would just delete whatever is selected. It would be useful.

Speaking of Addon, I gotta give Modo-Me another try,need to reinstall it.


Can you not assign that in the key map editor?

I don’t even know how to do that, can you show me? I thought we need to write script, which is out of my league at the moment. I see the Delete key in the keymap editor but its not obvious how to change it to what I want.

This should work?

Hmm… I can see no way to get rid of the menu, though, that pops up in edit mode where you have to enter whether to delete vertices, edges, faces…

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I also prefer to invoke the delete and dissolve commands separately without calling the menu, depending on the type of selection. My keymap: X - delete, Ctrl+X - dissolve, Ctrl+Shift+X - Delete Menu. For me, this is a much faster way to work, as you do not have to stop and peer at the menu items. Fortunately, Blender has rather flexible settings and a large number of add-ons that could change some aspects to your preferences. I advise you to take a look at these two add-ons:

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Half of the threat about a single key mapping? Well, first thing I did in C4D was remapping, still the software has so many quirks I hate to use it. Never understood I need a tool to select something, should be default. Or the properties, that lake a quarter of the screen and give almost no information.
I think you are a lot quicker learning Blender when you start with industry standard keymaps and the adjust them to your preference. By time people will add setups mimic a certain software as close as possible.
I have been through ever 3d software and I think Blenders advantage is that it can adjust to your needs easily. Flexibility is important. Advantage on the Mac is you have one more modifier key that you actually can map easily. I have the mightiest cmd key ever.
Anyway I‘m not sure if any professional ever switched completely to Blender, its still not a complete tool, especially Particles need a complete overhaul and the render is having a lot quirks and difficult to use shaders that still need a lot more care to solve each issue. Standard Blender shaders have lot nodes and you loose yourself there. So better wait, till Redshift comes.
And never do a complete switch. It took me 3 years till I finally deinstalled 3dsmax 2008. And I only find it sad to have lost so many plugins, says a lot I guess.

You can literally make the GUI like C4D to some extend given enough time and effort. At least this is one true power Blender has in comparison to other software. I don’t exactly if other software allow you to create your own GUI modifications but at least in Blender is provided out of the box and everything is setup like this inviting you to hack and change everything.

True, but that only happens since 2.8. So before it was a nightmare. What Blender still misses is a quicker way to import data from other software like goZ does. Or for the veterans a way to change Z and Y axis, in the end it’s just a single letter.

But you don’t have to peer at the menu items. . You can press the shortcut combos (for example xf) faster than it takes the menu to appear.


I get your points but my point was that the way delete (via the menu) is handled was a design decision comes from back then. There are some reasons for it in my opinion. Because deleting something in Blender is not as clear cut in component mode . For instance you can delete all the faces in a mesh but still keep the edges (this is meaningless in some apps), which is why there are multiple delete looking things in that menu.

In any case I get what everyone is saying about these kind of situations. I remapped crap loads of functions in Blender back then too. Remapping is very easy in Blender so I recommend start practicing it. Open a menu and right click on the function you want a special key for and click on “Assign Shortcut” You wont need the keymapper tab in most cases.

Actually is there a Add-on that I can assign to the Delete key that would just delete whatever is selected. It would be useful.

Having a context sensitive delete would be an add-on for sure. I guess not hard to make one. There is slight complication, when you have all there components enabled and you press delete, then what happens? The answer sounds to be easy, but for most oldie Blenders, there could be many interpretations of it.

Speaking of Addon, I gotta give Modo-Me another try,need to reinstall it.

Please get the latest version, and let me know how it goes.

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There is a checkbox inside the settings. Disable it.

But not in edit mode.

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Oh, I didn’t know that, thanks. Then why are there no labels in the right menu item, as in other menus? This is not bad, but in that case I think it would be more convenient to change X → V, E, F to X → 1,2,3. Less finger gymnastics. :slight_smile:

All Blender menus can be shortcutted by pressing the underlined letter.
It is usually the first letter in the word but if this letter is allready taken the the next letter is used.
In case of the delete menu You can see that the “o” is underlined in “only edges and faces”
The next one is “only faces”. The “o” is allready taken so it is shorcutted with “n”.
Same for the following “Dissolve” options.

The same way you could press ws for subdivide, because “w” calls the special menu and within the special menu “s” is “subdivide”.

As for 1,2,3 being less finger gymnastics I can not see how that would be true.
With a normal 10 finger positon (left hand index finger on “F”) you press v with the index finger and x with the ringfinger. f for face with the index finger and e for edge with the middle finger.