Interactive Tools for Blender 2.8


This is a collection of intuitive, context sensitive tools to improve productivity that I did to improve my workflow as I transitioned from 3Ds Max into Blender.
They are designed to be used as hotkeys, removing the amount of interaction with the menus and allowing for a less interrupted modeling experience.
This is the first release, and as expected some bugs will be found, please make sure to report those so they can be fixed.
Future releases will improve functionality as well as stability.
Without much to say I hope you find these tools useful and they help improve your modeling experience.
These scripts were tested and work with blender 2.8 build 749d53effd58 (8 June 2019).
If this addon is not working please update to the latest version of blender 2.8 first.

To install the tools go into the Add-ons tab in the preferences panel and click install.

A new window will open, select the location of the addon and click install.

Now search for the plugin and enable it.

Once enabled the tools can be found in the “Maxivz Interactive Tools” on the right side menu in blender.
These tools work better when assigned to hotkeys.


Super Smart Create
Connects verts that belong to the same face
If you select one vert or two verts that share the same edge and are on a border it will invoke f2(make sure you have f2 enabled)

If you select multiple verts that belong to the same face, they will all be connected to the last selected vert.

If you select an edge it will divide it in 2, putting a vert in the middle of the edge
Connects the selected edges if they are part of a ring.
There’s still some problems with the selection when two edge rings meet in a corner.
Caps selected borders

Bridges selected edges if possible
When you select 2 adjacent edges it creates a face

Bridges selected polys

If a single face is selected it will try to make quads on it…

This last feature works pretty good if you select a border, run the script to make a face and then run the script again to make quads out of it:

Set Cylindrical Obj Sides
Select the loop in a cylindrical object and run the script to make a copy of the shape with customizable number of sides.

Select the created object again and run the script again to continue editing the number of sides.

Smart Extrude
Inspired by 3ds max shift+drag behavior.
If in object mode it will duplicate the object and move, trying to predict the axis based in the direction you drag from.

If in edge selection mode it will extend and move, trying to predict the axis based in the direction you drag from.

If in vert or face selection mode it will duplicate and move, trying to predict the axis based in the direction you drag from.

If you are in edit mode of a curve, it will extend the curve and move, trying to predict the axis based in the direction you drag from.

Setup a new hotkey for each 3D View tool like this, make sure to disable the default duplicate objects.

Future Updates:
-Improve the axis detection.
-Similar behaviour for rotate and scale.
-Add more modifier keys (snapping, freeform, 2 axis constraint)

Smart Translate
A tool to quickly move objects around, it tries to predict the axis of the movement based on mouse movement.
It’s pretty simple for now and only works when assigned to the middle mouse button, a setting for this will be made in the next update.

Future Updates:
-Improve the axis detection.
-Similar behaviour for rotate and scale.
-Add more modifier keys (snapping, freeform, 2 axis constraint)
-Being able to bind it to more than the middle mouse button.

Smart Loop:
If two continuous edges or one edge is selected, the edge loop is going to be selected

If two edges are selected, it’s going to get the edge loop between them.

If three edges are selected, and they have the same space between them a step selection will be made.

These modes work with multiple selections at the same time:

Support for vertex and face mode is limited, but some modes work.
Future Updates:
-Loop selection algorithm improvements.
-Performance improvements to reduce slowdowns.
-Better vertex and face mode support

Smart Ring:
If two continuous edges or one edge is selected, the edge ring is going to be selected.
If two edges are selected, it’s going to get the edge ring between them
If three edges are selected, and they have the same space between them a step selection will be made.
These modes work with multiple selections at the same time:

Support for vertex and face mode is limited, but some modes work.

Future Updates:
Ring selection algorithm improvements.
-Performance improvements to reduce slowdowns.
-Better vertex and face mode support

Quick FFD/Lattice
Simple, quick lattice tool that works with one hotkey.
Make a selection and run the tool. A lattice will be created and try to fit the selection. Only the selected area is affected by the lattice.

If you select the object and a lattice already exists the existing lattice will be selected.

If you select the lattice and run the script the lattice will be applied and the object will be selected. The original selection is selected.

Future Improvements:
Change FFD presets (3x3x3 and 4x4x4).
Better support for rotations.

Quick Radial Symmetry
Select an object and run the script a radial symmetry will be created using the object’s pivot point as the center point.
Move the mouse to the left and the right the amount of iterations will increase and decrease.
Control + mouse movement to change the symmetry axis.

Select an object that already had radial symmetry to continue editing it.

Unhide the Symmetry Pivot and move it around to further modify the radial symmetry.

Quick Pivot
Centers the pivot on selection for vert, edge and face mode.

Works as well for object mode, centering the pivot on the object.

Quick Edit Pivot
Select an object and run the script, a helper will be made, you can move this helper to your desired pivot position.

If you select the object and run the script, but a helper already existed in the scene the helper will be selected.

Run the script again with the helper selected to move the pivot point of the object to the position of the helper. The helper will be deleted.

Quick Delete
If you select a vert the vert will be deleted with all the connected faces.

If you select an edge the edge will be dissolved.

If you select a border the border and the connected faces will be deleted.

If you select a face the face will be deleted.

If you select an object, the object will be deleted.

Quick Vert Mode
If you are in object mode it will switch to vert selection mode.
If you are in face or edge mode it will switch to vert mode.
If you are in vertex selection mode it will switch to object mode.
If the selected object is a curve, and you are in object mode it will switch to edit mode
If you are in the curve edit mode it will switch to object mode

Quick Edge Mode
If you are in object mode it will switch to edge selection mode.
If you are in vert or face mode it will switch to edge mode.
If you are in edge selection mode it will switch to object mode.
If the selected object is a curve, and you are in object mode it will switch to edit mode.
If you are in the curve edit mode it will switch to object mode.

Quick Face Mode
If you are in object mode it will switch to face selection mode.
If you are in vert or edge mode it will switch to face mode.
If you are in face selection mode it will switch to object mode.
If the selected object is a curve, and you are in object mode it will switch to edit mode.
If you are in the curve edit mode it will switch to object mode.

CS Bevel
If vert mode is selected it will execute the vertex chamfering tool.

If the edge mode it selected it will execute the edge bevel tool.
If the face mode is selected it will execute the extrude faces tool. This replicates 3ds Max face bevel behaviour.

CS Slide
Simple context sensitive slide:

  • If you are in vert mode it will execute vert slide.

  • If you are in edge mode it will execute edge slide.

Modifier Toggle
Toggles on and off all the modifiers of the selected object.

Wireframe Toggle
Toggles the wireframe rendering on and off.

Wire Shaded Toggle
Toggles between the shaded and the wireframe mode.

Target Weld Toggle
Toggles between vert snap and auto merge on and off.
Recreates 3ds max target weld behaviour by activating the tool and moving the verts you want to merge to the vert you want to merge to.

UV Rotate 90 pos
Rotates the UV selection 90 degrees.

UV Rotate 90 neg
Rotates the UV selection -90 degrees

Closing words:
I hope you find this tools usefull, as a relatively new blender user Im really looking forward to see what the blender community has to say about the tools and what recommendations you guys have.
Please share your toughts, ideas and feedback on this tools, so we can all learn and get better tools.

Have a great day,


Great to see you posted here. Purchased(donated) last night. I’m sure Blenderheads will love this, and there are a lot of us here as Max users(and ex Max users) who will definitely love it!

Amazing! Thank You!

One idea: Maybe the Add-on would be more readable with more space between buttons, like this:

This Add-on would be more useful with more buttons and tools. More buttons with tools from Max, Maya etc. “Merge” button would be one of new buttons, like “Maya Style Merge Tool” Add-on. This Add-on avaliable only from search, so button would be very useful.


Great idea. Thanks

1 Like

thank YOU!

Really useful tools! Would it be possible to use the Edit Pivot tool and have the rotation of the Empty carry over to the object Rotation? Thanks!

Also my favourite tool from this kit is the Smart Ring, but in some instances depending on the edge flow it doesn’t give the expected result. Here I selected the long edges initially before running Smart Ring.

Tried using the smart loop, because I really like the maya-style selection, but it seems that it really slows down the viewport once used?

Edit: regardless, I still love the addon and look forward to its growth!

mine also lag sometimes blender will crash if it cant handle it

but still thank you for this addon
edit pivot , maya / max style like it so far

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@COB-666 Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into it! When it comes to the Maya style target weld, its not my plan to have a hub to lunch different plugins for now.

@z01ks That sounds like a good idea! I will add it on one of the next updates

I have been working a bit on sticky selection modes like Max and Maya have:

When it comes to both the smart ring and loop both the performance and stability will be worked on for the next updates. I will also update some of the other tools to provide more usability and a more stable experience.

Thanks a lot for the suggestions and bug reports, please keep them coming!


Thanks for the feedback maxiv94. I discovered yesterday that the iOps add-on does what I suggested here. With that it’s possible to select a face and have the object rotation align to that face. Maybe it would still be useful and easier to understand to have it work with an empty. The sticky selection as you aptly call it is also something I requested from the iOps developer, so I’m happy to see it could be a possibility! I find that way of storing selections more useful and always converting a selection as blender does it, should be optional.

Another sad thing that blender does it selecting everything when Unhiding. It would be much more useful to keep the same selection as before. I’d like to request that feature. I think right now there’s possible workaround, which is to deselect everything before unhiding. Here’s an example.


Blender can do that in edit mode2019-06-25_00-54-20


This tool is the bees knees!

Really nice tools!
I like the Smart Extrude as a better way to duplicate objects. However, sometimes you want to duplicate the object in the same place. It would be nice if Right Click would cancel the translate, but not the duplicate (same way the default Blender duplicate works).


great job!
a Pie Menu would be great, or maybe a collab with BsMax addon ?


port for 2.79b for when?

This is Amazing!

Collaboration with maxiv94 will be honor for me. if he wish too.


insideitall Thanks!
chafouin I will look into it! In the next update I will include a rotation and scale version of the smart extrude tool as well.
hpx1 Thanks man, I might look into some pie menus for the next release. Im not looking into any collaboration at the moment.
MichaelBenDavid I dont have any plans to make a 2.79 port as it would be an additional time constraint to my development time, but anybody is more than welcome to port it!
nevilartThanks! I am not looking into any collaboration at the moment, but feel free to include the tools in your release if you want, or modify them to fit your tool.

Im currently working on structuring the addon in a better way and adding some more features. Once everything is ready I will update the addon as well as add a link to the github folder so anybody can try new features inbetween stable releases.

Right now im running into this issue: If anybody knows how to fix it would be great!

I hope everybody has a great start to the week,


Hi @maxiv94. Thanks for this addon. It’s really a cool set of tools.

I offered a solution to the issue you were having with getting access to modifiers after you create them.

I’m also a former Max user which prompted me to make two tools:

It’s not super clear how it is useful unless you try it, but consider it like Max move rotate and scale that doesn’t lock you out of other tools. It also makes the select tool work like Max’s lock selection button.

and a collaborative project:

which makes the modifier stack in Blender work more like the modifier stack in Max (which works like the Material Editor and Vertex Groups interfaces in Blender).

I hope you find them useful. I’ll be following your project. Reach out if you ever need any help. I’m pretty busy these days, but I manage to find time here and there for Blender improvements.


Thank you soo much for taking the time to answer my question and the extra suggestions. Im going to try the solution tomorrow! :smiley:
With some modifications in the keymap I actually kinda like the active scale, move and rotate. But im going to give the context tools a try for sure!
Really looking forward to see how you continue the development of your tools, they look super usefull!
Thanks once again!