To see weight on the edge - open ‘N’ panel ‘Item’ tab
but I highly recommend to reed this topic about matching visually values with other programs
Duplicate Mirror it’s the same as just duplicate and scale by -1 on some axis in item properties.
Or look at ‘MouseMirror’ in latest keKit addon.
Radial Array possible with addons like Interactive Tools (you can do it by hand with ‘Empty’ but it so annoying), with RMB on object appears menu ‘Interactive Tools - Radial Symmetry’ (at the top see the description)
True Modo user =) I miss them too.
Blender have Proportional Editing, but I barely use it…
If I need to proportional edit something I use ‘Interactive Tools - Quick Lattice’
Closest thing in blender it’s modifier Shrinkwrap just google youtube about it (one of example, also here nice example with specific vertex weighting).
keKit: Cleaning Tools tab - Macro Mesh Clean
Can’t say anything about it, not familiar with 3D printing…but Blender have an built-in addon for work with 3D printing 3D-Print