Challenge #779 (25/05/18) Entries CLOSED

Premonition to a bad landing


Cycles, 512 samples, denoiser, filmic, hdri lighting, blender cloud generator integrated add-on.

I previously built the P-51 model several years ago. It is actually one of my very first models from when I started blender. The mesh is a complete and total mess but it works for this and cnc models.There are 8 cloud layers and trying to get them to play nice with each other and the plane was a struggle. After many, many hours of tweaking, resizing, and moving around and dozens of test renders I got something that was close to what I wanted. I still had to post process (morph) the clouds to get the look I wanted.

Post processed with Paintshop Pro: vignette, edge enhancement, contrast, and cloud morphs to get the feel I wanted.