Golden Hour Animation

This was inspired by a project from Arthur Whitehead. I thought what he made was awesome! He used Cinema 4D and Octane. I wanted to see what I could do in 100% Blender, with no add-ons. The grunge textures were from #Poliigon, the rest is the principle shader.

I hope you like it, it took about 9hrs from start to finish, rendered at 5k samples.


i like it … nice … looks too real
can u show as the wireframe plz ?

Does this help you?


There’s just no physically-plausible visual justification for that “depth-of-field.” (IMHO)

Looks great!
This has to be animated with eevee!

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amazing thx

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I’m actually rendering the animation now. I couldn’t use EEVEE, it just kept crashing.

What do you mean? Macro photography has very shallow depth of field:

(photograph from shutterstock)

Especially at that oblique of an angle, the DOF actually seems rather muted.


Here is a clay render, I forgot to put this up.


Ill work on my DOF, thank you!

Awesome work, you’re #featured!

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Thank you very much! I’m honored to be one of the ones chosen.

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Very nice work on the materials and modeling. I think the DOF is fine.

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Love it! all of it! You nailed it completely! Congratulations!

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I just fell in love all over again with micro clock photography…
ah, yes! Nice modeling!

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I am curious if you made the gears accurate? Is the model complete?

The gears are mostly to scale, I modeled the watch based off a 45mm case diameter. The entire model is pictured below in a screen capture. Functioning wise, a few of the gears work correctly. The rest are just moved into place and animated for visual interest. I actually only have 3 gears in the whole watch, I just modified scale and thickness :grin:

Thanks! Congrats on your project breakdown, you have my $6 haha.

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It’s a good looking model. I think it would probably take knowledge of building clocks to model a whole.

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Hey man Thank you very much! I appreciate a lot your support. But I come here to congratulate you! hahaha Congratulation again!

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