Challenge #1047 "Not Of This World" (14/07/23) Entries CLOSED

Alien Empire

Pure-ish? The building textures are all from one photo from Unsplash and the sky is a HDRI from Polyhaven, All models and the procedural texturing on the alien were all done by me this weekend.

This is my first attempt at reproducing a real building and I’m really pleased with the result! Though I got a few proportions a bit off and had to hide that in the uv mapping (lesson learned - I should have started from the texture and 3D-ified it, rather than just eyeballing all the proportions and texturing later).

A few behind the scenes shots:

I’m using a lot of black planes to control the reflections and bounced light for more drama.
The UV mapping only makes sense from the camera’s point of view.

There’s only 3 bird shapes, all just a simple low poly model with subdivision

I’m very pleased with the eye shader, even though you can barely see it in the final shot. It’s completely procedural and the size of the pupil can be changed. The iris is behind a layer of glass, so it gets refracted correctly.