2.49 Problems. Post here

Alright, I wanna post this here before I submit to the bug tracker.

When I assign an Edge Split Modifier to an object, Blender crashes upon pressing the ‘P’ key.

I am using 2.49 rc2, rev 20121M
on an Intel MacBookPro running OSX 10.5.6

This is what my terminal reports upon pressing the ‘P’ key.

Detected GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Detected GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
Detected GL_ARB_multitexture
Detected GL_ARB_shader_objects
Detected GL_ARB_vertex_shader
Detected GL_ARB_fragment_shader
Detected GL_ARB_vertex_program
Detected GL_ARB_depth_texture
Detected GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
Bus error

I’ve attached the blend. weeeee.

Should I move ahead to the bug tracker?


BGE_edgesplit_crash.blend (307 KB)

Yes please.
I have the same crash with SubSurf under XP32. (2.49RC2)
Problems with modifier in the BGE.

oh… I didn’t even think this would extend into ALL modifiers! Just tested a mess of them… all crash the BGE. To the BugTacker I go! (it’s my first time)

edit: DAMMIT! Someone beat me too it.


well, not really dammit.

hi guys
2.9 rc2 just give me this massage then shuts down
the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002).click OK to terminate the application
and 954_Blender 2.50 [19725]
the application failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect reinstalling the application
may fix the problem
i already have 2.8a installed do i need to remove it first ?
i have windows xp pro sp2 on 2.2 celeron and ATI redeon 7500

That happens for me with some builds. So I think it has something to do with the compiling. RC builds works fine for me though.

It would be really good if GameLogic.getSceneList() and GameObject.sensors/controllers/actuators returned a list like scene.objects where the object name can be used as a key.

Also, the isValid variable on GameObjects got removed?

Otherwise, the API is awesome. Love the clean-up job :slight_smile:


I found GameObject.invalid, is this replacing isValid?

invalid replaces isValid attribute since isValid() is a shader function.

Added a new sequence type since 2.49rc2 that replaces getSensor(), getSensors(), same for actuators, and objects sensors controllers actuators, this is thin wrapped so it wont need to fill the list when called so its faster.

s = cont.sensors[‘Foo’]
for s in cont.sensors: …
actu = cont.sensors[0]

Is it me or does this version seem to kill every file with the vehicle conatraint? All of my test files don’t work, the vehicle gets launched up into the air…

Make the wheels “no collision”.:wink:
(I had that problem too)

Ahh, I’ve just found that, thanks anyway bud :slight_smile:

Recreated the same joystick controller problems moving the default cube around to ensure it wasn’t an error with my blend. The throttle problem, on joystick3, is linked to the linked to right axis problem on joystick2. When activated ether or both stay on.
Has this been reported to the bug tracker.

It has now.

Thanks everyone for the bug reports. Benoit fixed the problem with IPOs and dynamic objects, and he also fixed the problem with modifiers crashing the ge. So, you can stop reporting these two bugs :slight_smile:


In what commit, I don’t remember reading a mention of that specific bug being fixed.

Maybe he’s sneaking in bug-fixes without mentioning them:D

Great news. thanks Moguri and Benoit

Cyborg Dragon:
They were commits 20163 (modifiers) and 20166 (IPOs on dynamic objects)

Benoit is the one who fixed the bugs :wink: . I’m just reporting it so people stop posting the same bugs in the tracker. The modifier one ended up in there at least three times :slight_smile:

But I’m glad people are reporting bugs. Dealing with duplicates is better than no one submitting bugs! So keep testing away!

Is there a chance that we can get random actuators to actually generate random numbers? Or maybe at least the ability to seed with a property (and thus be able to seed with time)? These actuators are largely useless, as they generate the same “random” numbers each time the game is run. I know that this has been how the random actuator has been since its introduction, but it doesn’t necessarily seem like a bug, more like a feature request. Should I post this? It shouldn’t be THAT hard to implement… maybe I’ll try and patch it :p.

I believe this can be done with Python. There is a KX_RandomActuator.seed property. So, just get the property to you want to use as a seed, and assign it as a seed.

ob = GameLogic.getCurrentController().owner

prop = ob["prop"]
act = ob.actuators["random"]

act.seed = prop