2.5 will get old window splitting method too???

Well I have only had a little use in 2.48 & 2.49 so I can’t disagree with you but IMO 2.5 is a huge step forward and I love the UI. I found the small icons and small type etc. of 2.49 and earlier versions as-well-as the placement of items made Blender so hard to learn especially coming from other apps. like Cinema 4D & Max. When I started to learn 2.5 it was a whole lot easier to learn as it was similar to max and C4D, but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :slight_smile:


Well, I liked the entire old interface of Blender 2.49, please bring it back :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m in agreement with the other folks - while not a critical issue, I believe the old window splitting method was easier to do.

i don’t know about you, but it looks like every solution to every problem with 2.5 is “make it an option”…

can you imagine a program that lets you choose between two ways of modifying its interface!!??
think about this from the perspective of someone who’s learning Blender and having to deal with the already weird interface… now they have to deal with two different ways of modifying it…

i’d much rather prefer studying the implementations thoroughly and picking one option that makes the most sense… people who don’t like it just have to adapt… it’s not like we have better ways to communicate with the computer than mouse and keyboard anyway…

I don’t get how people are arguing that having both at the same time would be confusing or redundant…

having a “widget” that can be dragged with lmb (and optionally with various mod keysfor swapping and popping) can happily co-exist with having the ability to rmb on the divide between regions…

in 2.49 you can use g, s or r to move rotate and scale… or you can use gestures to trigger those actions… or you can use a manipulator with handles… sometimes I’d use all three all the time in the same session!

we can use the menus for most functions, trigger them from the toolbox or use keyboard shortcuts… is that redundant?

Of course not, it’s good design!

Besides, Letterip already said a few pages back that he’d have a look at this…

Liquid Ape, i think your proposal is good but not a full solution… it doesn’t allow the complete edge to be a hotspot like the 2.49 one did, which is what many in this thread are seeing as the main disadvantage of the new system

I agree with EnV, harkyman and Michael W. :slight_smile: I guess with Sago too, but he is the Blender diplomat now, and of course, he don’t want to give us his straight opinion about such a sensitive topic… :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe would be nice if you can choose split direction (vertical, horizontal) while draging cross, I can’t call it flexible till then 'cause now if you do accidental micromovement (with cheap tablet very often) in other direction you just vasting time…

and if cursor change to splitting cross right when you approach first line of triangle… now I think I’m in that ‘safe’ splitting area and ready to dissect window but duh I instead replace 3dcursor or scroll menus :slight_smile:

I’m sure new way would be better then old if they tune and polish it a little

This is not an interface problem, this is windows handling problem, so using the old way wouldn’t hurt Blender interface at all (Example: in windoows you can close active window by pressinf Alt +F4, little X sign on the upper right corner or choosing file - close… I don’t thinkk that my experience is deminihed by having all those options, au contraire…)

So: Devs please, make both ways available - there is more than one user that would be grateful (and to my surprise, quite a few power users)


I just hate this ppl they come from different software background and they want to change ours?! Its like i drive marcedes but can u get the same steering wheel in toyota?! WTH!

Use maya and dont change our software please.

Sry it just pisses me of. And if u wanna use this software get use to it!

Letterip, thank you for looking into this.

@Vandorius, where in the hell did that come from? Use Maya?

@paintguy, I can’t seem to find any relevancy in your last post.

OMgozors! 1337 al8rt! U dinK uRE zo KOOL(aid), do gomma gizzAH - 4 u and u mack my familliiii? S´o d8 Kome changa UR softwareZ, gizzzaH!!!

Things must be easy. The 2.49 method was easy because the hotspot to activate the splitting was much larger than in 2.5

I have tried blender 2.5 only few times, but lets see how this window splitting goes…
There is somekinda handle on bottom left corner, lets click and pull right, oh i splitted window, lets try again, but this time I’m going to pull upwards, oh horizontal split.
Now how could I remove window… maybe if I grab new windows handle and pull it back to old window, whee it works, I think I mastered window splitting.

Seriously, how can you do anything in blender if you can’t learn new things.

As soon as I saw the first videos of the new window splitting method, I knew I would love it and looked forward to it. And I do love it, except for the indeed a bit small active mouse region, here I agree with others.

What I didn’t like in the old way was that I had to click three times. Now I only click once and drag, much quicker for me.

Of course I welcome choice, so fine it the old way gets implemented also (thanks Letterip for having a look), I can imagine situations where I would prefer to use that when working.

:no:, I disagree 100% first the layout paradigm is almost the same, one of the few differences is that you can split the widows in a single click instead of the THREE (:spin:*3) clicks that you have to do in the old way. Thats what i call EFFICIENT.

To me the new way is a clear improvement and no efforts should be spend to bring back the old one, there is a lot to do in 2.5 to worry about it.

(jay) Read the first post and think about it just a bit. If u dont care…well i do.

i totally agree :smiley: i mean, we get the results in real-time, which is awesome… the whole thing is just plain awesome
i still like the 2.4x way (i prefer the 2.5) so maybe it would be nice to have it as an option… it’s more of a low-priority item though, right?

Yes it’s one click, so what?

Old way:
Much easier, just right click wherever you want to split it. 3 clicks OMG so painful? NOT if you compare to this.

New way:
First you have to look for the little tab. Then you have to select it, it’s quite small btw. Then you have to hold and drag it either left or down. Holding the button down is much more painful than clicking 3 times. And then you have to drag it down to the place you want to split it. So if you for example want the timeline in the bottom of the 3D view. You would have to drag it all down to the bottom.

And sometimes (depends on your space on your desktop and what sensitivity the mouse has) you won’t have room to drag it all the way down. Then you have to release it and select the edge to continue dragging it. Then there is the problem that because you are clicking with the left mouse button and not the right like in the old way of splitting. If you miss the tab, you will move your 3D cursor. And this has happened to me a few times btw.

Then there is another problem, you have to drag it either to the left or down to split it. If you accidentaly drag it the wrong direction. Which is easy to do. Then you have to find the tab againt in the new window. And move it back. And once again things can go wrong here. And it does…

It seems like the majority of the blender users like the old way. Because they are veterans? Maybe…but I’m quite new to blender. And I have tried both 2.49 and 2.5. And I have to say that as a new user of this great program. I like the old way of splitting windows much more. It’s faster, easier and more user friendly.

Bah, both ways aren’t perfect. I miss those triangles in 2.5 as much as I miss that line in 2.49. In 2.5 I sometimes accidentally move it down instead of left, but I remember joining or splitting windows in the wrong direction in 2.49 too.

Both not perfect, both good enough for their purpose. How can you choose between that? If somebody knows something better, I would love to hear.

+1 for the old way of window splitting.
New one? Phew, what a piece of design flaw. Triangle is easy to hit accidentally when clicking on menu captions and hard to spot when it’s necessary to split contexts. Context splitting border was much easier in use (active area is quite larger).
Please, give users a choice. :confused:

SOLVED :stuck_out_tongue:
While I have no problem with the new method of window splitting (i like it actually), it seems to me that the easiest solution would be to change the current split operators default behavior so that it calls a pop-up which lets the user select horizontal or vertical (it defaults to horz now). Then it would split the window based on based on this selection and the position of the mouse within the current window. With a hot key to the split operator this would be just as fast as the old method and require less accuracy with the mouse.

In any case good luck with your revolution, I think there should be a name for it though. Kind like the truthers or birthers in the US. How about the splitters? There could be splitter parties where people chant and hold signs too!