2.57 huge disappointment

I’m kind of late to the party, but I’ve found that 2.49b is better than the new 2.5’s. I like the old set up. Even though the new ones have cool smoke and a few other things. I am goin’ to stick with 2.49b. I do not like how much the 2.5’s have changed from 2.49b.

2.5s interface changes take a little getting used to, but that’s a terrible reason not to use it at all. The new interface is a massive improvement in functionality over the old one, and once you get used to it I can pretty much guarantee you’ll never want to touch any older versions again. I know when I have to go back to 2.49 I realize how clumsy and dyslexic the interface is compared to 2.5

Just like Captain said - I liked the 2.5 interface before, but once I found out that you could search for materials and things rather than having to scroll through the list of them, that was it. I wasn’t going back, and I never will. LOL

thank you very much.

I understand it’s nice and professional looking, but I don’t have the time to go look through it and learn. :\ One day maybe, one day. I don’t like the hotkeys though. I think I can change that?

All the hotkeys in 2.5 are completely user configurable.

It really only takes about an hour or two to get used to, if you already know previous versions of Blender… and it’s not that it looks more professional, it’s that it’s all completely streamlined so everything happens faster and more efficiently, and with more functionality.

you really got a array suggestions and insight … and a little bickering and hype marketing and soapboxing…
most people here do NOT want you to lose your investment in previous work
perhaps you can do a new example in 2.57 and see if that runs fast
I use blender 2.57 Beta because I had no previous investment in the NON beta, I am rather new,
so for me in was 2.5x or Maya
Somethings I like about 2.57 and somethings I do not …
I do like to animate a lot of items which are claimed not to be easily animated in previous versions
It appears 2.5x will only become more popular, so now might be a nice time to explore and take your time
Please keep us apprised of what is running fast and running slow.
The suspense is …well … suspenseful

bezier, You did not read the whole thread. One thing i tried was to do was to use default cube hook it up with logic bricks making the cube rotate, no textures, nothing just rotating and the cube lags a bit even though FPS was 60 By duplicating the cube about 10 times and running the game engine you can see even more of a lag. I have an idea. maybe someone can give me a blend that was made with 2.5 ( nothing fancy) i could run that and see how fast. that would help a lot. Believe I am dying to use this once i am finished with my project.


Okay. Here’s a teleportation test that I made with 2.57 for another user here.

teleporttest.blend (450 KB)

It should work fine - it worked for me.

Better to switch to 2.5x because from now on it will be constantly improved while the 2.49 is no longer supported. I know that there could be any of dissapointment but it will not last for more that 1 year until the 2.58 series arrive. Also it’s pointless to see all of your effort in 2.49 be unusable in the future because you will need heavy modifications to catch up.

Solar, it seemed to work good, Now i am more confused but i guess that is a good thing.


Okay… Try loading the blend without the UI (that probably shouldn’t be it, but that’s the only customizable thing, really).

And if its too dark, you can modify the user prefences

Not sure how to do that


To load blend files without the custom UI to the blend file, when in the ‘Load’ menu, at the bottom of the left panel, there should be a ‘Load UI’ checkbox. Uncheck it, and your own UI will stay (maybe it’s your UI that’s causing the lag?).

You are speaking of user preferences? Yeah i did that and loaded a simple object that has an armature, without scripts made in 2.49
and it starts at 60FPS then drops down a few seconds later to about 7 FPS so that did not work. Maybe i can’t convert 2…49 blends into 2.57 but i probably can work with 2.57 if i start from scratch.


No, not in the User Preferences menu. Click File, Load, and then, on the left tab, scroll down, and there will be a ‘Load UI’ option. Uncheck that - that will prevent my blend’s UI from displaying (it will use my blend file data, but your User Interface). See if that outlines the problem or not.

You mean click file, then open and on the left tab i see what you mean. I tried that using a blend that has an object with armatures
and no scripts It starts at 60FPS then falls to about 2.2 to 1.7 FPS d stays there. i then tried a few other blends i have made with 2.49 and no scripts, armatures, they all end up about 2 or 3 FPS to about 1.7 FPS. maybe i can try a blend made in 2.5 with armatures, textures, etc. Yours was good but small I can get a more accurate feel for how a larger blend might work. If you know of any that i can download (not to big i have slow internet connection) let me know


@digidude try installing win7

i have same specs that of yours . works like a charm for me.