2.69 released

Hi FXR, I meant with my system it does not shot up, I tested with 30-50000 faces mesh.
My english is not the best, sometimes.
I am on Linux and it is may be a Windows only problem.
We need more testers for this.

Cheers, mib.
EDIT: Could you upload a test file for us, then we test all with the same file.

I’m on Windows and I tested for the issue by moving verts on a heavily subdivided cube and I have no problems here, the memory does go up, but only until all of the undo slots are filled and is not even close to the high numbers reported.

I do seem to recall reading the commit logs that there were some changes in how Blender allocates memory, perhaps it has conflicts with older hardware architectures, Intel Celerons are well known for being bargain basement chips.

Thanks for checking. Maybe the zip got corrupted when I tried downloading. Our internet here is terrible. I’ll try redownloading and see if I get the error again.

M2libberlin - Thanks much for the feedback. Also your system is a workhorse of a PC. As to uploading the file, I’ll do that. Thanks

I saw where Acedragon tried to replicate the problem. You stated that the memory usage ramp up ceased once all the undo slots were filled. That might the problem with my system.

And yeah, Celeron’s are really the bottom of the bin. But … it can still work Blender, pretty well. Which I think is a testament to Blender.

PS: One other thing. When tried to access the User Preferences and change the number of undo slots, Blender crashed on me. As soon as I accessed User Preferences.

Follow-up on the memory overhead issues - I got into the user preferences at the beginning of the blender load-up where the splash screen is shown, and successfully made adjustments to the number of the Undo slots. I had had 32 slots and changed that to 10.

Since then I haven't seen the memory usage rise above 400 MB!  That's the solution.     Regardless,  program is working much smoother and no lag now.    Thanks much

PS: That also helped sculpting, … alot! As a test, I have a mesh 30,000 quads, and as stated earlier I could push that to level 5 fairly easily and sculpt without lag, as well. Never could do that before.

Holy crap, rendering in cycles is considerably faster now. Particularly test renders in the camera, which include hairs.

Does blender 2.69 have a setting that remembers the material nodes of a 3D model and load them automatically every time that same obj is imported on blender?

Yup, Cycles is a beast now

I’m sure this is a dumb question, but how come the official release doesn’t come with all of the themes that the builds on Graphicall have? I was just wondering, and I’m sure this is a known fact that I just don’t know about yet.

Those extra themes are part of the contrib addons directory.
While the contrib addon directory is in buildbot and graphicall builds, it is removed for the official releases, and so the extra themes are gone too.

You can fortunately easily take a contrib addon folder from a buildbot or graphicall build and move it to the official release to get the contrib addons and extra themes back.

I posted in the 1st page of that thread a contrib addon folder to download for those not using a buildbot/graphicall build

Thanks for the info. Maybe it’s just me, but what is the point of removing them from the official release? What does it hurt to have them there?

Hi, does anybody with more then one Nvidia card have the same problem, 2.69 preview render take only one card?
F12 work as expected

Thanks, mib.

For others interested in the autorun subject you might note that the Blender team has given you the option of excluding one or more directories from the autorun, so if you do download a file you can save it to an excluded folder. The file will open but scripts won’t run. To be extra safe you can just never open the file, just link to it and extract the thingies you want…

Anyone else having the problem that in the User Preferences under the System tab you don’t get the CUDA option anymore? I only get the CPU option. I’ve had it for all previous versions and during the 2.69 candidate, but I don’t have it anymore. No GPU rendering for me I guess…

I’m running on Kubuntu 12.04 with a GeForce GT 630

I didn’t have Cuda at all until I updated my graphics drivers. Maybe it’s checking for a version of CUDA higher than it previously did?

Look you ain’t no blenderite if it takes you more than 24 hours to know there’s a new version. =)

Never mind, when I download directly from the Blender page and run it the CUDA setting appears. It turns out that apparently I have a repository that downloaded a 2.69 version without CUDA support.

Weird but it works

A while back I remember hearing something about plans to change the default setting for the sun size in cycles. From what I remember, it was shown that the default size of 1.0 was too high for a real world sun.

Does anyone know if there were any changes made regarding this in 2.69 official?

Does anyone know if there were any changes made regarding this in 2.69 official?

No but Brecht has it on his todo.
Change size to 0.05 to get realistic results.
There was a thread about how it was calculated but cant find it.

Cheers, mib.

I’m really liking the Edit Linked Library feature in this release. I was playing with an animation I made and kept changing material settings in the linked character files. It sure saved me the trouble of manually jumping back and forth between files (and remembering to save).